I am excited to the point that late Spring is about to end and Summer is around the bend! I have concluded that we’re going to make the best out of it, even on the hot days and we need to remain inside.
Between our park days and some fun at the pool, there will be days where it will be too hot to possibly be outside. In any case, this year, I will be prepared and I trust that you will be, as well.
In this way, how about we take the plunge and discussion about that 14 new printable self-teach Summer exercises you have to get ASAP for your children?
Furthermore, remember to visit our Spring and Summer activities hub!
Homeschool Summer Activities
Now and then, the days are simply too bright, humid and hot to ever be outside, yet that does not imply that we should be bored or that our days are ruined.
With this late Spring and Summer pack, you will have everything that you have to keep your children having a great time and being engaged while as yet being inside and praising summer from inside.
Not under any condition!
This wonderfully fun Summer pack has some good hands-on exercises where your children can learn Summer words without truly feeling like they are doing school.
All things considered, summer is for no particular reason, not school! Isn’t that so? Right! Come and see what this Summer homeschool exercises group incorporates!
Summer Activity Pages for Kids
Our Summer Words pack is about 45 pages long and it includes:
- Manuscript Handwriting Practice of Summer Words: Kids will love this! They’re practicing their penmanship, but what they will love is to learn how to spell Summer Words to write their own stories or to make their own Summer comics.
- Cursive Handwriting Practice of Summer Words: Same here, but for older kids.
- Summer Words and Pictures Wheels: Kids especially love this one! They will make the connection between word and picture meaning.
- Fantastic Word Search: My oldest likes this one the best. He has a gift (like me) to find the hidden words quickly. He loves feeling successful, especially when these word searches can be challenging.
- iSpy Pages with Words and pictures: My youngest loves these pages! We have several pages with different levels. It’s fun to find the words and images on the pages. Answers are included!
- Summer Words Bingo Game: Here’s a game that the whole family will really enjoy.
- 4 Cutting Practice with Summer Words and Pictures: Don’t be fooled! Even older kids might need this practice. It can be disguised as “we’re cutting these strips and pictures to make cards to mail to grandparents or friends.” It’ll be great cutting practice without knowing it.
- Summer season images for kids in a lovely booklet that you can set up as a craft activity.
- Summer activity pages in a book! This awesome Summer activity book that doubles up as handwriting and tracing practice!
- And what would our Summer activities printables be without a cootie catcher?!
- Notebooking pages are fun summer printables for kids to write “How I spent my summer vacation” book activities, Summer favorite games and much more!
- Montessori summer exercises – Printable 3-Part Cards: This is such an extraordinary Montessori work! This printable incorporates the connection to a blog entry that discloses to you how to utilize 3-Part Cards.
- Magnificent Summer Pictures Memory Game: Learn to utilize memory, separation, object lastingness and significantly more with this fun game!
- Fun Summer Nomenclature Dice: Roll the word die and then find the matching picture on the other die. To make it harder, roll the picture die and find the matching word die.
Summer Fun Printables
Rather than doing only one fun Summer indoor printable action, make it a unit! Take one evening to devote it to this or choose to make one movement for each day.
Since this is a computerized download, you can spare it to your PC to print out for each child. You just need ONE set to use for every one of your children and to utilize a seemingly endless amount of time after year.
Isn’t that extraordinary?!
The Summer Words incorporated into this group are:
We trust you appreciate this set as much as we did!
Click here to order!

14 Printable Homeschool Summer Activities
$14.00 $12.99
Our Summer Words bundle includes (45+ pages total):
- Montessori summer activities – Printable 3-Part Cards: This is such a great Montessori friendly activity! This printable includes the link to a blog post that explains to you how to use 3-Part Cards.
- Awesome Summer Pictures Memory Game: Learn to use memory, discrimination, object permanence and much more with this fun game!
- Fun Summer Nomenclature Dice: Roll the word die and then find the matching picture on the other die. To make it harder, roll the picture die and find the matching word die.
- Manuscript Handwriting Practiceof Summer Words: Kids will love this! They’re practicing their penmanship, but what they will love is to learn how to spell Summer Words to write their own stories or to make their own Summer comics.
- Cursive Handwriting Practiceof Summer Words: Same here, but for older kids.
- Summer Words and Pictures Wheels: Kids especially love this one! They will make the connection between word and picture meaning.
- Fantastic Word Search: My oldest likes this one the best. He has a gift (like me) to find the hidden words quickly. He loves feeling successful, especially when these word searches can be challenging.
- iSpy Pageswith Words and pictures: My youngest loves these pages! We have several pages with different levels. It’s fun to find the words and images on the pages. Answers are included!
- Summer Words Bingo Game: Here’s a game that the whole family will really enjoy.
- 4 Cutting Practicewith Summer Words and Pictures: Don’t be fooled! Even older kids might need this practice. It can be disguised as “we’re cutting these strips and pictures to make cards to mail to grandparents or friends.” It’ll be great cutting practice without knowing it.
- Summer season images for kids in a lovely booklet that you can set up as a craft activity.
- Summer activity pages in a book! This awesome Summer activity book that doubles up as handwriting and tracing practice!
- And what would our Summer activities printables be without a cootie catcher?!
- Notebooking pagesare fun summer printables for kids to write “How I spent my summer vacation” book activities, Summer favorite games and much more!
EU buyers, GET IT HERE.