As a review, we started out singing the numbers song in Spanish using sign language.
Materials for this simple craft:
– Spanish book with shapes, numbers, colors, etc.
I used My Big Book of Spanish Words
Steps on how to make the craft:
1. Take a white sheet of construction paper, fold it into three columns (making it a tryptic).
2. With a marker, trace lines over the folds.
3. Use a Spanish book with color words in Spanish.
4. Ask children to pick their favorite colors.
5. On the first column of the white paper, write
“Mi color favorito es______.”
That means “My favorite color is____.”
6. Write their favorite color on the line and they color something in that space with their favorite color.
7. In a Spanish book, find a page with shapes in Spanish.
8. Ask children to pick their favorite shape.
9. On the second column of the white paper, write
“Mi forma favorita es ____.”
It means “My favorite shape is ____.”
10. Underneath, they draw their favorite shape.
11. In the Spanish book, find a page with the number words in Spanish.
12. Ask children to pick their favorite number.
13. On the second column of the white paper, write
“Mi número favorito es ____.”
It means “My favorite number is ____.”
14. Underneath, they write their favorite numeral and draw something that shows that number (for two, they can draw two frogs or two hats or two children, etc).
Lesson 2
In this second lesson, we reviewed the colors, the numbers, the letters of the alphabet, etc. We used the same book as the lesson before, but we went over other pages as well (toys, transportation, animals, etc).
These lessons are simple, fun and require very few materials. Even the book is very affordable.
Children love to review because they feel successful, like they know the material. They definitely enjoy it more. What is your children’s favorite thing to do in Spanish?
These lessons are simple, fun and require very few materials. Even the book is very affordable.
Children love to review because they feel successful, like they know the material. They definitely enjoy it more. What is your children’s favorite thing to do in Spanish?
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