We are excited to be sharing with you the geometric shape fun on the light table that we had this month. My children and I have been loving our light table. We cannot recommend it enough. We have been doing so much with it for many of our hands-on activities. It would take dozens of blog posts to share it all. Let us tell you what we did this time around. It was fantastic.
Guidecraft LED Activity Tablet (US) G16836USChildcraft 1335357 Mini Light Table, Wood and Plastic, 23-1/2
Whitney Brothers Light Table
Light Cube Accessory Kit
Whitney Brothers Big Bang Light Table
Geometric Shape Fun on the Light Table
First, I surprised my little ones with a super fun set of colorful see-through geometric shapes. Oh, you should’ve seen their faces! They were hardly letting me get them out of the container, that I just handed it to them and let them have at it. The next thing I knew, they were exploring and analyzing every single shape and color.
Children are simply amazing to me. They discussed colors, shape sizes and they were fascinated at how these see-through giant beads fit on the tips of their fingers. They wiggled their fingers and went “tap, tap, tap” on the light table. My oldest even pretended to play the piano on the light table with the giant beads on their fingertips. They also had fun with the color-mixing paddles.
Roylco R5910 Animal X-Ray Set, 8Learning Resources Transparent Color Counting Chips, Set of 250
Learning Resources Letter Construction Activity Set
Learning Resources Viewthru Geometric Solids (14Colored)
Light Table Discovery Kit
The rest of this post is housed at the wonderful blog Living Life and Learning! Read it HERE!
Lux G. says
Learning would surely be fun and interesting with these. Awesome!