I know that it is important to find the curricula that works best for our families, but once we do, it is also important to spread the word and let other families know why this curriculum is great and why it works perfectly for our family. Well, that is exactly what I am doing here. 😉 Here is our 2016-2017 Math curriculum choice and I’ll tell you all about it.
Our 2016-2017 Math Curriculum Choice
We have decided to use GPALoveMath from GPALearn. “GPA” stands for “Great Parents Academy.” Don’t you love that? Why did we choose GPALoveMath over other programs? Well, there are several reason for this. We do Classical Education at home, which means that we memorize a lot. At home, we drill, we repeat, we do hand motions, we say the work over and over and we sing a lot. We are memorizing a lot in Math, so for the rest of the Math, I wanted to find something that was
- Fun for my children (where they are learning without it being a drag for me or them)
- Independent or semi-independent work
- Something complete and thorough when it comes to teaching them Math
- Something that will show them their progress in an easy way. My children love tracking their own progress and they like control over their learning.
Why GPALoveMath is so awesome
GPALoveMath does all of that! It is an online program, which means that all of the information is online. You do need an internet connection for it. It is not a download that takes up room in your computer’s hard drive. The great thing about it is that when we travel, all we need is our tablet and wifi and we’re good to go.
If you are wondering about paper and pencil work, well, most of the work is done and saved online. But we do use paper and pencil for solving certain problems. For example, now that my son is doing addition with carrying and subtraction with regrouping, he does have a notebook and pencil next to his laptop to solve the problems on paper. I will say, though, that since we have been using GPALoveMath, my son has been doing a whole lot better with mental Math, which is an awesome skill to develop!
What we do as a family with GPALoveMath
My children are able to advance at their own pace and, even though the work is divided into grades, they have access to all the grades, so they can seamlessly finish one grade and move on to the next grade. Take a look at THIS PAGE. You can read more information about each grade and how it works. I love these overview videos because they give you a great idea on how it would work for your family.
We do our Math right after breakfast a few morning a week. They never complain about it and actually, most of the time, thy go to do their work on their own, without being asked. Sometimes, my son would be so involved with a topic that he wanted to do several lessons in a row. Since the lessons aren’t long, I’d let him go for it. I love having the freedom to let my children pursue their interests!
Basically, each grade is divided into lessons. Each lesson is divided into three sections: the guided lesson, the guided practice and the quiz. If the child is “on it” and moving right along with the lesson, the entire lesson can take as little as 12 minutes (in our experience) or as long as the child needs.
I also love it that I receive an email every time my children complete a lesson. GPALearn also sends me an update and their quiz grade. I also receive weekly emails with my children’s progress, their quiz grades. This is great to have info at a glance, but this is always in the parent dashboard when you log in. So what do you think? Want to give it a try? Feel free to try it for 30 days for free and then you will confirm that you do love it!
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Fantastic Printable Math Bundle {20 Sets}
$20.00 $7.99
Fantastic Printable Math Bundle
In this awesome Math printable bundle, you will get 20 sets (88 pages) of hands-on activities to help your kids learn. Many kids actually think that they are games! They learn while they play. Isn’t that fantastic?! This bundle is awesome because you can simplify many of the activities for younger kids and you can make them harder for older kids.
This Math bundle is a digital download and it includes:
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Now, it’s your turn! Get this awesome bundle and use it with your kids!
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