Greek is a language that we have included in our homeschool for some time now and I am very excited to share a review of Hey, Andrew! Teach Me Some Greek! – Level 2 by Greek ‘n’ Stuff today. See, we had been learning vocabulary here and there in Greek, but nothing too formal. I appreciate having found Greek lessons for kids that puts us on the right track to learning Greek the right (and easy) way.
Greek Lessons for Kids
I have been looking for and wanting a program for our Greek studies that would be perfect for my son’s age and level. He is now 7 and a half years old, so I am just past the window of opportunity for children to absorb languages more easily. But that doesn’t mean that they can’t learn. I know about 10 languages and I started learning most of them when I was in my teens through adulthood. So it can be done!
The Right Language Program
When it comes to learning languages, it is important to have 3 things: 1) an easy method of presenting the material, 2) a smooth and cohesive transition between lessons/chapters and 3) that learning of the language actually takes place.
There are curricula out there that focus so much on the technicalities and rules of the language that the students lose all interest or develop a dislike for new languages. My focus, as a homeschool mom, but mostly as a language lover, is to show them how awesome languages are and how fun it can be to learn to speak them and use them.
So far, I am really liking how Hey Andrew! is laid out. My son enjoys the progression and the materials covered, too. At first, I was a bit nervous to have him start at Level 2 because he has never seen Level 1, but it was totally fine. With his prior knowledge of the language that we have been informally studying for the past 2 years, he did just fine.
How we use Hey, Andrew in our Homeschool
Hey, Andrew includes the student workbook, the answer key booklet and the pronunciation CD.
Because it is a program so easy to follow, my son can easily wok on it independently. I will still keep an eye on what he’s working on because I, myself, want to learn what he is learning, too. He works on 2 pages per day or so. It is just enough to keep the material fresh in his mind and he learns something new, but not too much to get him bored or tired of learning languages.
I made copies of the flashcards on cardstock for durability and I am actually thinking on laminating them, too. My daughter is only 5.5 years old right now, but she will, someday, use these as well, so I might as well preserve them until her time comes.
All in all, I highly recommend Hey, Andrew! Teach Me Some Greek! – Level 2. It is a wonderful and easy program to use and learn from. I also love that they have more levels, so my son can keep learning with this curriculum. It has worked very well for us.
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