Gym/Ballet Co-op
I gave my girls a laminated poster printed on both sides. On one side, there is an image on the five positions and on the other, I put two pictures. One says “Keep Calm and Point Your Toes” and the other has a ballerina in her toes and a little girl wearing a tutu admiring her.
Star of Christmas (Day 17): Christmas is about Giving
Instead of the Elf on the Shelf, we are doing the Star of Christmas. It is a Christmas ornament in the shape of a beautiful star. It “appears” every morning in a different spot in the the house, along with a card.
The message in the card was: “Get an empty box to put three toys in to give away to someone who doesn’t have any toys.
Read Luke 6:38 “What happens when we give?”
Language Arts: Whiteboards and Word Writing
Happy Birthday!
Star of Christmas (Day 18): Christmas is about having a good attitude
What is commandment #5? Honor your father and mother. (Exodus 20) And it isn’t just about honoring mom and dad, it is about the attitude of the heart. When we obey, but have a rotten attitude, it is almost as bad as if we had disobeyed. Having a good attitude will make things better and will make our hearts happier. Everyone likes people with a good attitude!
How can you honor mom and dad today? By having a good attitude. When they ask you to do something, you smile and obey. ๐ Smile and obey. Smile and obey. ๐
Handmade (and Footmade) Christmas Dรฉcor
Star of Christmas (Day 19): Christmas is about God’s Word
It is extremely important (paramount, if you ask me) to grow up knowing that God’s Word is the most important guide that we need to have in our lives.
Say the Pledge of Allegiance to the Bible:
I pledge allegiance to the Bible, God’s Holy Word.
I will make it a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.
I will hide its words in my heart that I may not sin against God.
Sugar Cookie Decorating
Montessori Math: Bead Cabinet
This is the Montessori Bead Cabinet that we ordered. It is an incredible tool to teach concepts such as representing ones through tens. Students learn to rote count, then skip count, in order to understand multiples.
It didn’t take as long to put together as I had thought it would and it turned out beautiful!
Montessori Sensorial: The Pink Tower
K knows exactly how to put this together, but he was in a silly mood and made this instead. To see how to build the pink tower, click here.
Star of Christmas (Day 20): Christmas is about Family
We have been so blessed to have a family! And not only do we have a family, but we love each other. Sometimes, we consider people that aren’t related to us as family. Why? Because they love us just like family and we love them just as if they were related to us. Can you think of someone that you aren’t related to, but consider family?
Flannel Christmas Tree Decorating Activity
The children have been very keen on redecorating our Christmas tree. Sadly, so many of our ornaments are breakable that we feel that it would not be a good idea to let them do that. So one of our MOPS Christmas party activities was to make a flannel Christmas tree for the children to decorate over and over without breaking anything.
My children had so much fun decorating, taking all ornaments down and redecorating that I completely forgot to take pictures of the actual ornaments and of the tree when it was fully decorated. I will have to remember to do that this year.
Play Time
Star of Christmas (Day 21): Christmas is About Expression
What is in your heart will come out (in your words and in your actions). The Bible points out that we need to “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord…” (Psalm 100) and to be careful what we say and do.
Sing “Be careful little eyes what you see”
Be careful little ears what you hear
Be careful little mouth what you say
Be careful little mind what you think
Be careful little heart who you trust
Be careful little hands what you touch
Be careful little feet where you go
Christmas Carols by More Than a Coupon Queen
In the first picture, you can see the handwritten, ugly, plain construction paper carols we had on our walls. Embarrassing, I know. Anyway, I started to ask other bloggers if there were any cute printable Christmas carols out there and the answer was “NO.” What? No one had thought of making some cute ones yet?! How can that be? I had gotten a new laminator and was excited to put it to good use.
Long story short, More Than a Coupon Queen told me that she’d be happy to make some free printables and asked me to tell her which ones she could make. I sent her the list of the ones we had on the wall and this is what she made: look at picture 2! Aren’t those great?!
You can get them for free at this link: click here.
More Christmas countdowns!
A.C.E.: Pledge of Allegiance FREE PRINTABLES!
Since I told you the story of our horrendous Christmas carols and how they were transformed into beautiful works of art, I got into the mood or redoing our pledges, too. In A.C.E. (Accelerated Christian Education), we say the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag, to the Christian Flag and to the Bible.
I made these awesome and beautiful pledges and they’re FREE for you to print. To get them, click here. Enjoy!
Star of Christmas (Day 22): Christmas is About Holiness
When Jesus was born on Christmas Day, He was fully God and fully man. He was sinless (that means He was without sin). We must follow His example and be separated for Him. “Holy” means “set apart.” We are to be set apart for Him and to love Him more than anything and anyone.
What can you do today to set you apart in a good way, in a way that brings glory to God?
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