My sister-in-law was visiting us last week and left this Wednesday. Since then, I have been rearranging some stuff in K’s playroom, especially on the walls. It’s looking more and more like a classroom (pictures to come).
I have also made decisions about the subjects that will be taught, the schedule, and the activities we will participate in. I feel pretty pleased, but we will know if it’s going to work once I put it all into practice next week. I’ll be sure and post my assessment on all this at the end of next week.
For one, toddlers love and need repetition, so I will try to schedule the same subjects and activities 2 days in a row.
This gives me the advantage for 3 reasons:
1) it gives K the repetition to not only learn, but to practice and master the skills,
2) I won’t have to plan a different activity every single day (any teacher knows how exhausting and time-consuming it can be), and
3) I won’t have to change my entire schedule when something unexpected comes up and we can’t have a lesson that day (there’s always tomorrow, right?). So I’ll test it out for a week or two and I can change it to teaching the same lessons 3 days in a row if needed.
I personally think that doing, for example, the same 2 subjects on Monday and Tuesday, 2 new subjects on Wednesday and Thursday, and reviewing the week’s activities, lessons, etc on Fridays, it’ll work out perfectly. We’ll see.
As of now, I am super excited to be getting my lessons and activities planned. I love organization, lists, schedules, routines, you get the point. Hopefully, you’ll see more frequent and explicit posts on the lessons I’m teaching K.
Please let me know if you need/want more details and I’d also love to get some feedback. Thank you for reading.
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