Are you a homeschooling mom that wants to do hands-on sensorial with your little ones?
Are you wanting to teach your children about sound discrimination because it is a great skill to have?
Well, using these Montessori sound boxes are a great way to go.
I know what you are thinking, “But they are cylinders, not boxes!”
Yes, they are, but the blue cylinders and red cylinders come inside their own boxes, hence the term “Sound Boxes.”
Come, let me show you how they can be used.
Have you heard of The Montessori Method before? You can read why we love Montessori HERE.
There are many hands-on works and they are right up my kinesthetic learners’ alley.
You can learn more about it in any Montessori Method book.
Alright, now onto the lesson.
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Montessori Sound Boxes
NEW Montessori Sensorial Auditory Material – Sound Cylinders
The Montessori Sound Boxes consist of two boxes: one with a blue lid that contains 6 cylinders with matching color lids and one red box with 6 cylinders inside.
The cylinders are sealed closed, but inside, there is something inside each.
It ranges from sand to small pebbles to create different sounds when shakes.
Each blue cylinder matches on red cylinder.
Montessori at home Sound Boxes Nomenclature
It is important to focus on the nomenclature, too.
For this lesson, focus on the words: sound, soft, softer, softest, loud, louder, loudest.
You can simply talk to the child about the words and give out examples.
They are awesome! Simply print them in black ink on white cardstock.
Montessori Sound Boxes Setup
The child will carefully take a 3×5 rug and set it up on the floor.
Then, one sound box must be taken to the rug at a time.
The child must use two hands at a time to carry the boxes.
Next, the child will take the box lids off and place each under their box.
The 12 cylinders are them taken out of the boxes and placed on the rug.
Montessori Sound Boxes Presentation
Each blue cylinder is shaken gently at a time for the child to notice the softer and louder sounds that each makes.
Then, the child will take one blue cylinder and shake gently a few times to become familiarized with the sound it makes.
While holding that cylinder in one hand, the child will take one red cylinder at a time to shake gently.
If the sounds don’t match, the child will try another red cylinder until the correct one is found.
Matching cylinders are placed next to each other and the process starts again until all the pairs are matched correctly.
This is an activity for children of ages about 2.5 to 5.
The focus for this activity is sound discrimination.
The secondary focus is hand control when shaking the cylinders.
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