Out of all of the Montessori works we do regularly, my children’s favorite one are the Sensorial ones. They are so unique and different from all other works.
The color boxes are so much fun!
In this Montessori Sensorial Color Activities for Kids post, we will share what we do with our four Montessori Boxes and you can get some free printable color tablets to get you started.
Montessori at home Sensorial Color Activities for Kids
Montessori Color Box 1
It comes with six color tablets, with two of each of the primary colors – blue, red, yellow. With two hands, the child will carry the box to the table. Next, remove the tablets, one by one, holding it by the white edges (narrower sides). Place the color tablets in random order and then match them up.
The Box 1 is for children ages 2.5 or older. The direct aim is color identification. To read more activities, read our Montessori-Inspired Color Wheel Activities {Free Printables} post.
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Montessori Color Box 2
It contains 11 pairs of color tablets – primary, secondary and tertiary colors. There are 2 tablets of each (red, yellow, blue, purple, green, orange, brown, gray and pink as well as black and white). The child will repeat the activity of the first box, but since the number of colors is greater, the activity will be more difficult.
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Teaching Montessori in the Home: Pre-School Years: The Pre-School Years
Teach Me to Do It Myself: Montessori Activities for You and Your Child
One extension for Box 2 that we do is a memory exercise, which means that they place one color tablet set on the rug and the matching tablets on a table at a small distance. They then match up the color tablets. This is for children ages 3 or older. The direct aim is color identification.
Montessori Color Box 3
This one contains nine separate compartments with the same primary, secondary and tertiary color tablets, except for black and white. Each compartment comes with the color tablets in a range of color shades. This is such a beautiful box. I love it. First, teach the child the terms “dark, darker, light and lighter.”
Pick a color (preferably a primary color) and place the color tablets either in a basket or on a tray. One by one, place the color tablets in order, from darkest to lightest.
Our favorite extension for Box 3 is the one in the pictures below. We place the tablets in order, from darkest to lightest and then we begin placing them around a globe. It is called a Sunburst. As another extension, we make a Sunburst, but we don’t grade the color tablets ahead of time.
This is for children ages 3.5 or older. The direct aim is color identification and visual discrimination of different color shades.
Kid Advance Montessori Color Tablets #1Montessori Color Tablets #2
Kid Advance Montessori Color Tablets Matching Activity (3rd Box)
Montessori Color Resemblance Sorting Task
Montessori Color Box 4
This box doesn’t include color tablets. Instead, it comes with six wooden blocks, each with a different color, each graded from darkest to lightest. It also comes with matching color pegs and a base for each. The child places each color block from darkest to lightest and a base below each. One by one, the child will then match the color pegs to the correct wooden block. Isn’t Box 4 beautiful?
This is for children ages 3.5 or older. The direct aim is color identification and visual discrimination of different color shades.
So which box is your favorite, Box 1, Box 2, Box 3 or Box 4? I hope that you have enjoyed this set of fun Montessori color activities! You can print this set of color cards to get you started. Enjoy! Also, take a look at these beautiful color cards.
Homeschool Printables:

Thank you for visiting our Montessori Sensorial Color Activities for Kids {Printables} post!
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Jae says
Tanya, I already decided NOT to get Box 4, but upon reading this post… you’re making me want to put it in the checkout basket again! I love all your color boxes! Hope we can have either box 3 or 4 soon!
Bess says
We don’t have color box 4 but that one looks like a lot of fun. We haven’t had our boxes out in a while so it’s time to play around again. Thanks!
Vanessa says
I love the color boxes! Boxes 3 and 4 are my favorite! I can’t wait to do this activity with Little Bee.