Spring will be here soon and we always enjoy learning about the most amazing topic in Science: life cycles! We cover several every year, but this year, I want us to go more in depth in some of them. So I have made some super awesome life cycle homeschool printables! You can get some freebies today and also get the chance to get the units on moth and butterfly life cycle homeschool printables for kids to learn and love!
Life Cycle Books for Preschool, Kindergarten & Elementary
We always begin every lesson with books. Check out some of the ones that we read for these units and order yours in time to get this unit on its way! Your kids will love having them! Since we studies both butterflies and moths, this is a moth and butterfly life cycle book list that you will enjoy delving into.
The Life Cycles of Butterflies: From Egg to Maturity,A Butterfly’s Life (TIME FOR KIDS® Nonfiction Readers)
A Butterfly’s Life Cycle (Explore Life Cycles)
Monarch Butterfly Life Cycle
The Life Cycle of a Moth (Things With Wings)Butterflies and Moths (Life Cycles)
Life Cycle of a Moth II 20×24 Framed Art
Life Cycle Moths Reproduction Larva Chrysalis Birth 1747 antique
Moth Life Cycle Montessori at Home Homechool Printables for Kids
Whether your kids love learning about the luna moth or the gypsy moth or moths in general, this will be a fun unit to do. There is so much to learn about moths. Not only can they be colorful and unique-looking, but there are some interesting and fun facts about them that your kids will enjoy finding out about.
Moth Caterpillar Stages
What does the gypsy moth caterpillar look like? Does it look different from the luna moth caterpillar? These and other things are great to research and find out about with the books I recommended.
Like in the Montessori Method, your kids will find such freedom reading and finding out about these fun moth facts. The moth caterpillar life cycle is definitely one to learn about!
Let’s talk about the free printable that you will receive today (at the end of this post)! It is actually 3 freebies in one! This set of three 3-part cards includes: moth eggs, moth cocoon, moth caterpillar and adult moth. One has actual photos of the moth life cycle, one has cartoon-looking images and one is black and white.
All 3 sets are wonderful and we use them a lot. I recommend that all 3 get laminated for durability. The black and white set can be colored and then laminated or you can laminate first and let the kids use dry erase crayons or markers to color those over and over.
Research ideas on moth facts: How long do moths live? (moth lifespan), what do moths do in life? What does the luna moth life cycle look like? Find luna moth pictures for this one!
If you like this free printable set, then you will love the entire unit with 12 fantastic activities! Check them out! Save time!
Life Cycle Printables for Kids
Now, let’s talk about butterflies! Instead of sitting down with a butterfly life cycle worksheet for preschool, give them this beautiful coloring book!
Not only will is encourage kids to learn about the colors for each stage in the butterfly life cycle, but you can also get some great butterfly life cycle craft ideas!
See, this booklet is a great butterfly life cycle template for kids to use to make their own drawings and more! This is one of the best butterfly life cycle activities for preschoolers and kindergarten because it also has primer lines on each page to encourage kids to practice manuscript writing!
Page 1 has “eggs,” page 2 has “caterpillar,” page 3 has “chrysalis,” page 4 has “butterfly” and page 5 has a beautiful image of the life cycle with arrows and the handwriting lines say “The Butterfly Life Cycle.” Kids trace over the words and then they write the words on the line below on their own.
This is not only a preschool life cycle of a butterfly printable, though. Kids in kindergarten and even elementary grades will benefit from this printable butterfly life cycle sheet. They can write research notes on the back of each page and coloring to the actual colors for the Monarch butterfly is awesome for the older kids.
If you really love the free printable on the moth 3-part cards, then you will love this unit with 12 fun activities!
Free Printable Butterfly Life Cycle Booklet & Moth 3-Part Cards
Now it’s your turn! To get this set of moth 3-part cards and life cycle of a butterfly for kids printables, simply enter your name and email below. Check your inbox and the PDF file will be there for you to print right away or to save for later.
This is only a tiny part of the greater units of moth and butterfly life cycle activities for kids! Get your lessons plans bundles before the new product sale price ends!
Moth and Butterfly Life Cycle Arts and Crafts Ideas & Resources
I also wanted to share these hands-on resources because they are awesome for inspiration for butterfly life cycle arts and crafts. Imagine using some of these to teach your kids the Science behind the lift cycles and then move over to the life cycle of a butterfly arts and crafts and then the moth!
Our favorite activity last year was to get the caterpillars and observe the entire life cycle right before our eyes! Then we sketched and drew the different stages. It was so beautiful!
Learning Resources Butterfly Life CycleInsect Lore 5 Live Caterpillars – Cup of Caterpillars
REALBUG Butterfly Lifecycle 4pc Set
Little Folk Visuals LFV22306 Butterflies Precut Flannelboard Flannel Boards
Magnificent Metamorphosis Craft Kit (makes 25 projects)
Center Enterprise CE997
Kaplan Life Cycles Moth Specimen Set (Set of 4)Giant Inflatable Butterfly Life Cycle Stages 4 Piece Set
Exotic Butterflies and Moths (Dover Nature Coloring Book)
Rainbow Salt Tray Sensory Writing Activities | Natural Beach Living
How to Prepare Montessori Shelves for a Mini Spring Unit | Living Montessori Now
Montessori Inspired Insect Activities for Kids | Mama’s Happy Hive
Introducing Life Cycles to Younger Kids | The Pinay Homeschooler
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