Homeschooling is hard and that is the truth, but there are many good sides to it and those make it worth it.
One of those good things is the freedom to study what you want with your children.
They can follow their passions with a freer schedule, but you can also use that time to instill things that are important to your family.
For us, it is studying the Bible.
Come and find out what we are adding to our Bible class this upcoming homeschool year.
And who knows? Maybe the Bible Study for Kids will be helpful to you, too!
Books of the Bible Worksheets
As homeschoolers, we have the freedom to go beyond what our children learn in Sunday School or Children’s Church to go deeper into their knowledge of God’s Word.
After all, it is the most important book I the world, right?!
I have created a wonderful Bible study set for kids that can be done independently or together as a family.
Whether you want your children to learn or memorize the books of the Bible, the worksheet set included here is awesome.
Let’s talk about it some more!
Learning the books of the Bible just got a lot easier.
But we go beyond that!
Bible Study for Kids Set
This set includes 30 pages of:
Bible reflection sheets (4 pages)
These beautiful and inspiring pages will give your family (or individual children) the opportunity to really ponder over and reflect on what they are learning in their Bibles.
It is the perfect complement to kids digging deeper when they read the Word of God.
Teaching kids about these things can be hard.
They need to experience them for themselves.
Let the Holy Spirit take over and let them fill these out after a daily or weekly Bible activity.
You can print one for every day or for every week and discuss what will go on them.
I like to print them out with 2 pages per sheet to save on ink and paper and to fold them over as a booklet.
Kids like that!
Books of the Bible poster (chart)
This is going to be the winner, winner, chicken dinner for you!
Not only is it a beautiful visual to frame and hang in your homeschool room, but you can actually use it in many fun ways.
You can print two copies and have kids cut up the books on one and place them on top of the matching ones on the second copy you printed.
You can also use it as a books of the Bible memorization chart.
It is set out as a great bookshelf and each book on the levels are one books of the Bible.
They are set in order and are also divided into the Old Testament books (39 books) and the New Testament (27 books).
There are 66 in total.
You can have the kids trace over the book names for copywork, handwriting practice and memorization.
66 Books of the Bible Verse Memorization (7 pages)
Yes! You read that right! I took one verse from every single book of the Bible that kids can learn and even memorize!
So here, you will have a list of 66 scripture verses (one out of each book of the Bible).
Not only will this be very impressive if children do decide to memorize them (because they are inspirational), but…
It will spark interest in your children to want to learn more about these books in the Bible.
And you can pair these up perfectly with your books of the Bible chart printable!
Some game ideas are to cut these out as strips and use them to memorize.
You can also cut them into strips, fold them and put them in a jar.
Every day, one of your children will get one out, read it aloud and maybe add it to a pre-made chart in Bible order.
Another idea is to cut them into strips, mix them up and have the kids put them all in order, based on the book of the Bible order.
Tip: Use the books of the Bible chart as an answer sheet, if they haven’t memorized the books of the Bible in order yet.
Bible Stories & Character Studies – Old Testament (10 pages)
In this set of pages, I made an Old Testament list of Bible stories and Bible characters that you will want to learn more about.
This great chart list goes in order from Genesis through Malachi.
There is enough room for adding a little bit of information that you learn together as a family or individually.
Make these editable for free by going to!
Scripture Memory & Handwriting Practice (5 pages + 1 blank template)
We also have a set of 30 inspirational and encouraging scripture verses that children can learn.
In each space, children will have the opportunity to practice copying it (in manuscript or in cursive).
I also have added beautiful check boxes to keep good track of each verse.
The check boxes are: Read it, Copied it, Reflected on it (can use the reflection sheets), Memorized it and Date.
I am also giving you a blank template of this page so you can add your own scripture verses that you want your children to learn in the future.
The Ten Commandments Charts (2 pages)
The Ten Commandments are the basis of how to live in a great relationship vertically (with God) and horizontally (with others).
The Ten Commandments chart is to be filled out together or individually as children look them up in the Bible.
The other chart is the same, but with the answers.
You can use it as an answer sheet or as a memorization chart.
It is beautifully made and I set it out as a visual for children to learn them by heart better and faster.
Teaching the Books of the Bible Worksheets PDF Set
So what do you think?
Are you ready to get this set and get started on the right track in the Bible study with your children?
Get the 30 pages here and START RIGHT AWAY!

Bible Study for Kids (30-page set)
$24.99 $14.99
This set includes 30 pages of:
- Bible reflection sheets (4 pages)
- Books of the Bible poster (1-page chart)
- 66 Books of the Bible Verse Memorization (7 pages)
- Bible Stories & Character Studies – Old Testament (10 pages)
- Scripture Memory & Handwriting Practice (5 pages + 1 blank template)
- The Ten Commandments Charts (2 pages)
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