For Bible class in our homeschool, we made this cute craft. K really needed to practice cutting with scissors, so this craft was great practice. It was very easy to make. You will have fun making it, trust me. 🙂
Look at the pictures of the finished product below so you see what the finished product will look like.
Read the entire post through so you understand the steps. Feel free to ask me any questions.
      Closed ark                                      Open ark
Step 1 |
Let’s make the ark!
Step 1: Fold the construction paper in half (longwise)
Step 2: Open the construction paper and mark about two inches from each end along the crease you made when you folded it. This will be the top of the ark doors. The two inches on the top and bottom will not get cut.
Step 3: Cut along the fold, but don’t forget to start cutting past the two-inch mark at the bottom and stop at the 2-inch mark at the top. You can see what I mean in the picture above.
Step 4: Turn the construction paper (widthwise) and cut one of the halves right down the middle to make the ark’s doors.
So basically, you will be cutting a “T” shape: a horizontal line along the top crease and a line top to bottom.
This will be a good time to introduce the concept of a pair. We will have a pair of doors on the ark and several pairs of animals.
Step 5: Fold the construction paper in half again (longwise) with the long cut on top.
Step 6 |
Step 7: Open the ark doors and make a crease so they can stay open.
Step 8: On the two ends of the construction paper (the two inches on either side of each door), put a little bit of glue to glue them down. That way, when you open the ark doors, they won’t make the whole thing open up.
Step 9: Put the ark aside and start looking for animal pictures in the magazine. You will need two of each.
Step 10: Find and cut 5 or 6 pairs of animals. K had fun finding dinosaurs for the ark, too.
Step 10 |
Step 11: Glue them on the inside of the ark so you can’t see them when the ark doors are closed.
Step 11 |
Carrie says
What a fun craft!! We love Noah’s Ark crafts and books here. Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!