One of the most treasured subjects that Maria Montessori gave to the world was the one that focuses on practical life skills.
We know that the child learns from everything around them, according to their sensitive periods, but deliberately teaching Practical Life lessons is paramount for success.
Here, we will be talking about where to start with teaching Montessori Practical Life ideas.
Step one, if you will… These activities are great to introduce at around 2 or 2.5 years of age.
Practical Life Materials
In our Montessori Practical Life activities list (for your Montessori homeschool curriculum or for school), you are going to see that some of the activities are very basic.
But they are so important because many other more complex activities build on these basic skills.
And the best part is that you will be doing yourself and you child a favor.
As your child grows and gets these basic “step 1” activities well, they will be more successful in life.
You’ll be happy to hear that the Montessori Preschool curriculum for Practical Life materials that you need are already in your home.
Granted, you might need several in a child’s size, but other than that, it is the least expensive toddler Montessori curriculum subject.
Montessori teachers will take advantage of this and gather as many materials that are child-sized in thrift stores and such. It is one of the most important subjects in child development.
Montessori Practical Life
In the entire scope and sequence of Practical Life exercises, this first Montessori curriculum for 5 year olds and younger practical life checklist is full of the building blocks for all of it.
And we have a free printable of it.
You will find these mentioned in books as Practical Life activities in the Montessori curriculum.
They are basic. They are beautiful.
Even if they won’t be ready to prepare food yet (but soon), they will begin living life the Montessori way.
Whether you have a Montessori homeschool or a Montessori classroom, you can use these in either place.
So come and take a look at the list!
- Carry a mat
- Unroll a mat
- Walk around a mat
- Roll a mat
- Pick up a chair
- Put down a chair
- Walk on a straight flat line
- Walk on a straight raised line
- Walk backwards a few steps
- Stand on one foot at a time for a few seconds
- Take steps sideways to the left and to the right
- Sort silverware by shape and size
- Set the table
- Pour water into a glass, vase or container without spilling
Practical Life Ideas to Begin With
I know what you are thinking: this list of practical life activities that Montessori gave us is super basic.
But do you know how to break up each one into step by step?
Did you know that walking around a mat has 11 steps or that pouring a liquid has 12 steps?
Aha! I knew you’d be surprised.
The free printable has the basic list above, but if you want the complete list, with photos and all of the steps for each activity, then visit our wonderful product here!
Use coupon code “welcome20” at checkout for 20% off.
The Montessori environment is the
montessori practical life activities, including fine motor skills, dexterity and eye-hand coordination, not to mention independence and self-sufficiency.
Montessori Practical Life Ideas
These Montessori practical life activities for 3 year olds are great to start trying out around age 2 or 2.5, in case their sensitive period is already operational.
The Montessori Method focuses on grace and courtesy, which can definitely be applied in Practical Life activities, such as setting the table for self AND others.
Coming soon!
To get this free printable list, enter your name and email below.
Then, check your inbox and the PDF file will be there waiting for you!
Remember that if you want the step-by-step instructions, go here.
Kids’ Kitchen: Favorite Gluten-Free, Sweet Spinach Muffins {aka Green Monster Muffins} | Living Montessori Now
Forest School and Tips for Outdoor Learning | Mama’s Happy Hive
Simple Food Preparation and Recipe Ideas for Kids | The Pinay Homeschooler
Montessori Home: What Does Practical Life Look Like for Older Preschoolers through Elementary Kids? | Living Montessori Now
Hand Sewing Kit for Kids | Mama’s Happy Hive
Practical Life for the Outdoors | The Kavanaugh Report
Garden Practical Life Activities | Sugar, Spice & Glitter
How to: Montessori Indoor- or Small-Space Gardening in a DIY Sensory Table | Living Montessori Now
Montessori Inspired Tools and Toys for Building | Mama’s Happy Hive
Introducing Practical Life with Montessori Babies and Toddlers | The Kavanaugh Report
10+ Chores You Didn’t Know Your Toddler Can Help You With | Uno Zwei Tutu
Practical, practical life activities at 4 years old| Welcome to Mommyhood
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Work with Me! Personalized Coaching Sessions (Montessori & Homeschool)
$75.00 $50.00
Do you need homeschool or Montessori at home coaching?
We customize a package that will help YOU the most, but this is our most popular package:
Take advantage of my 15 years of experience in the Montessori philosophy and 10 years of homeschooling.
1 A 30-minute video (or phone) call via Zoom for a 100% personalized “in-person” coaching
It will be recorded and the link will be sent via email within 24 hours for further review.
Once you purchase the coaching session HERE, I will contact you to set up a time that works for both of us.
2 An email prior to coaching call detailing what questions, concerns, issues need to be addressed.
This helps with maximizing face-to-face time for actual practical implementation tips.
3 Any prior recommendations from my online shop (ebooks, etc,) are included
4 A follow-up email within 24 hours of the video call, detailing what was discussed, steps to take, any additional recommendations from my online shop (again, also included in the package).
5 A second follow-up email/contact 1-2 weeks after the video coaching call to see how client is progressing and to see if another video call needs to be scheduled
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