Active Listening is such a great character trait for children (and everyone) to have! As parents, we find repeating ourselves over and over or having kids that aren’t paying attention.
Here is an amazing book list with some of our favorite books about active listening. There are read alouds, funny books, books for preschoolers and all types of books for all kinds of ages!
Come and take a look at the best living books library on active listening for kids of all ages! I think you will appreciate teaching this important skill and the kids will have fun learning!
And don’t forget to see our book list hub! It is full of lists of books on all kinds of topics on all subjects! You will love it and find it very helpful!
Living Books Library for Active Listening
Take a look at these children’s books! I think it is a wonderful win-win for everyone in the family! Not only is it a character trait, but it is also a great discipline for well-rounded children!
I remember trying to figure out, during a very frustrating day, full of repetition and closed ears, how in the world I could break through about this listening thing.
Then, voilá! I thought about making a trip to my computer and search for titles on active listening. This is how I found this great list! I think it will be helpful to you, too!
Living Books for Toddlers & Kinders about Active Listening
You don’t need a board book to teach active listening in the early years! Here are so good read-aloud titles for the little ones to enjoy. If you have kids in elementary or older they can read them as well.
Who’s Listening (A Learning Works Skill Builder, Grades 1-3)The story of Danny Three Times
Silver Morning
The Shrinking of Treehorn by Florence Parry Heide (1992-10-01)
Listening with Zachary (What rhymes?)
The Listening Walk
Listen, Buddy (Laugh-Along Lessons)
Listen to Me (Rookie Readers)
I Can Hear the Sun (Picture Puffins) by Patricia Polacco (1999-10-01)
The Hullabaloo ABC
Active Listening Book Activities for Kids in Elementary Grades
Here is a mix of picture books and chapter books on active listening that children will enjoy. It ranges in level of difficulty because the elementary years are so long!
Some of these titles might also be interesting for younger kids, except that they will be read to them out loud. Check out the story first, to make sure it is appropriate for their ages.
Yang the Youngest and His Terrible Ear by Lensey Namioka (1-Feb-1994) PaperbackTuck Triumphant
One TV Blasting and a Pig Outdoors
Listening to Crickets: A Story about Rachel Carson (Creative Minds Biographies)
Listening for Leroy
Gluskabe and the Four Wishes
Gabby (Serendipity)
Ears (Adaptation for Survival)
Brother Eagle, Sister Sky
Blue Willow
Bizarre & Beautiful Ears
Fun Kids Books about Active Listening for Middle and High School
And don’t forget that all of the work you have done with the kids can suddenly be erased or forgotten during the teen years. So, for them to not forget, check out these books for kids that are in middle and high school!
SpeakNothing But the Truth by Avi (September 01,1991)
Dogwolf by Alden R. Carter (1994-11-03)
Active Listening Books for Teachers & Parents
I also wanted to include some titles for parents and teachers. They have tips about listening that aren’t necessarily books for kids. They’re wonderful resources.
Visualizing and Verbalizing: For Language Comprehension and ThinkingHow to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will
How to Talk so Little Kids Will Listen: A Survival Guide to
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