We have been learning about many different country flags of the world.
This time, we continue on our 7 Continents of the World Series to focus on a fun Antarctica lesson and printable 3-part cards for this flag.
Come see how we used it!
Don’t forget to visit our resources hub for printable flags activities and lessons!
It is full of wonderful hands-on ideas for you to use at home.
Antarctica Books for Kids
These are some really fun books with interesting and fun Antarctica facts for kids. Check them out!
Antarctica (New True Books: Geography)Antarctica
Antarctica For Kids: People, Places and Cultures – Children Explore
Antarctica (Rookie Read-About Geography (Paperback))
Montessori at Home Antarctica Lesson & Printable
As we learn about the seven continents of the world, we cannot be other than fascinated by the prospect of an entire continent being completely covered in ice.
This continent is none other than Antarctica.
Even though there isn’t an official population on that continent, it still has a flag.
In our continent studies, we make sure we point this flag out.
It is just one flag for a huge white landmass.
The flag is a dark blue with the map of Antarctica in white.
Pretty simple, right?
I like that it is easy to remember, but it also helps the kids memorize what Antarctica looks like.
7 Continents of the World Series
Use kids’ books on continent, flag and specifically on Antarctica facts for kids to learn more about this incredible continent.
Ask questions like: Why is it so cold?
Why are there only penguins and not other animals?
Where do polar bears live? Who discovered Antarctica?
Who lives there? How many people live there?
Can tourists go to Antarctica?
Homeschool Printables
As you study these lessons on Antarctica for kids, take notes, use hands-on materials, like this printable set of 3-part card on the flag of Antarctica.
I am including the 3-part cards and some blank 3-part cards for you to make your own Antarctica facts 3-part cards.
This set is only a teeny tiny piece of the entire bundle of 500+ 3-part cards of flags of the world!
Map of the Antarctica Continent
As you complete your awesomely creative Antarctica projects for kids, be sure to use this set of 3-part cards!
If you don’t know or don’t remember how to use 3-part cards, got HERE.
To get this free printable, simply enter your email below and check your inbox.
The PDF file will be there waiting for you!
Thank you for visiting our 7 Continents of the World Series ~ Antarctica Lesson & Printable post!
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