Did you know that there is a Pledge of Allegiance to the Bible, just like there is one for the Christian Flag and the American Flag?
We incorporate all three into our homeschool daily with this printable bundle because we want to give God’s Word the honor it deserves.
In this post, we share a study unit about the Bible pledge with hands-on activities for kids to learn it by heart and have a chance to practice it regularly.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Bible
This study unit on the pledge to the Bible includes:
- Pledge of allegiance to the Bible wheel craft: is has the pledge broken down into bite-sized phrases that make it easier for kids to read, learn and memorize.
- Bible pledge of allegiance cards: These cards are so much fun because they can be used as flashcards or if you print them out twice, you can use them as a Memory Game!
- Pledge of allegiance words printable game: Use these to tape onto Jenga blocks or similar wooden blocks for kids to build into a tower in the right order.
- I pledge allegiance to the Bible handwriting page (manuscript): Children will practice eye-hand coordination, fine motor skills, penmanship and dexterity by writing this pledge.
- Pledge of allegiance to the Bible printable handwriting page (cursive): We are very excited to be learning cursive in our homeschool. This handwriting page lets us do just that while reciting the pledge at the same time!
- Printable Bible pledge of allegiance poster: Display it for your kids to see and read regularly.
- Pledge of allegiance to the Bible word search: This page has words to search that are included in the pledge to the Bible.
Grab Your Homeschool Printable Here:
There is so much more to knowing and learning the Bible pledge of allegiance words.
It is important to know them and live them!
To instill this wonderful trait into your children, you can get a pledge of allegiance to the Bible words unit below.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Bible Printable Bundle ~ 7 Activities
$10.00 $5.99
This study unit on the pledge to the Bible includes:
- Pledge of allegiance to the Bible wheel craft
- Bible pledge of allegiance cards
- Pledge of allegiance words printable game
- I pledge allegiance to the Bible handwriting page (manuscript)
- Pledge of allegiance to the Bible printable handwriting page (cursive)
- Printable pledge of allegiance poster
- Pledge of allegiance to the Bible word search
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