Many parents that read my blog have been asking for some Christian flag Pledge of allegiance resources to help them incorporate it into their homeschool schedule.
I have been writing more about this (why we do it, why it is important to us and how we do it at home), but I also wanted to get you started on it quickly, so here is a great guide!
Don’t forget to visit our resources hub for printable flags activities and lessons!
It is full of wonderful hands-on ideas for you to use at home.
Christian Flag Pledge of Allegiance Resources
It is important for parents to teach their children respect for their country by reciting “I pledge allegiance to the flag…”
But what about their heavenly nationality?
More and more parents see the value of teaching their children loyalty to their heavenly citizenship.
Learning the pledge of allgiance ot the Christian flag is one way.
Come and take a look at this list of resources that you might find helpful.
5 Things to Know about the Pledge to the Christian Flag {Printable Game}
Pledge to the Christian Flag words – Ministry-To-Children
Do You Know the History of the Christian Flag? | Christian History
I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag, and to the Savior, for whose …
The Christian Flag Pledge | Courageous Christian Father
Christian Pledges – Pledge to the Christian Flag, Pledge to the Bible …
Pledge to the Christian Flag – YouTube
Thank you for visiting our Pledge to the Christian Flag Resources post!
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