As we study, we find out which ones hibernate, migrate and adapt.
Some do more than one! Isn’t that fun?! We use animals in Winter printables to make our studies a lot easier.
Here, we will show you 10 Hibernation, Migration, Adaptation Activities! It’s Bundle #2!
Animals in Winter Bundle #2
We are BEYOND excited to have had Bundle #1 last year to learn about animals during the Winter months.
But now, we have Bundle #2 as well! Come and take a look at what this set of printable and lessons includes.
With these 3 hibernation activities, not only will you learn what hibernation is, but also get a list of animals that hibernate and more!
1 What is Hibernation and Why do Animals Hibernate? This lesson is a great way to get started on the whole animals during Winter saga. Learn about what animals hibernate during Winter and more!
2 Animals that Hibernate Sensory Bin How do animals survive in the Winter? Kids will love to learn with their hands as they make a beautiful sensory bin about animals that sleep during Winter.
3 What Animals Hibernate in Winter? Printable Diorama This craft was amazing! It will be beautiful to display or to use as a Science Fair activity. You can see what it looks like in the picture below. We provide the printables. You assemble and make it your own!
There are animals that live in areas that get too cold for them to survive during Winter, so they move elsewhere. What animals migrate during the Winter?
They migrate to warmer areas for a time. These 2 activities will cover this and other topics relating to animal migration in Winter.
4 What is Migration and Why do Animals Migrate? Learn about what migration means, which animals migrate and so much more!
5 Animals that Migrate during Winter Printable Diorama What animals migrate south for the Winter? This lesson is a lot of fun because you can actually track animal trajectories around the world as they migrate during the Winter months.
Did you know that some animals stay put during Winter, but don’t hibernate? Do you want to learn about animals that adapt in Winter? Look no further!
6 What is Adaptation and what are some Animals Winter Activities? This is a great lesson on how animals adapt to Winter! We include tips, facts, lists and books that teach kids about adaptation. Read and learn about adaptation in this lesson.
7 Animals that Adapt in Winter Sensory Bin Wow! This is such a great way to bring all of the knowledge together and make a hands-on sensory bin that is fun and educational. How do animals survive the Winter cold? By adapting! Use flour or insta-snow to add to the fake snow fun!
Hibernation, Migration, Adaptation Bundle #2
Want to bring the unit full circle? Here are 3 awesome activities that cover all 3 (hibernation, migration and adaptation) in the same lesson.
I like to teach one at a time first and then compare and contrast all three at the end.
How do animals get ready for Winter? How do animals keep warm in Winter? What animals adapt in the Winter? So many questions!
8 5 Tips to Teaching and Animals in Winter Unit This unit has some fun tips and ideas to make the entire animals during Winter adventure the best ever!
9 Hibernation, Migration and Adaptation Notebooking Pages (see picture below) You can keep these to the end of the unit to have kids write from memory what they learned during each lesson. Or you can print 2 copies. Use one as described above and the second copy can be used to take notes DURING each lesson. This will help with both retention and attention to detail.
10 Winter animals: adaptation, hibernation and migration color cards printable set Use this set as you teach each lesson, use it as a quiz at the end of the unit or use it for BOTH!
Winter Animals
Are you super excited? Get your bundle here! Don’t forget to get Bundle #1, too!
Animals in Winter Bundle #2 (Hibernation, Migration, Adaptation)
$10.00 $7.99
This 40-page bundle includes the following lessons and printable activities:
1 What is Hibernation and Why do Animals Hibernate?
2 Animals that Hibernate Sensory Bin
3 Animals that Hibernate in Winter Printable Diorama
4 What is Migration and Why do Animals Migrate?
5 Animals that Migrate during Winter Printable Diorama
6 What is Adaptation and what are some Animals Winter Activities?
7 Animals that Adapt in Winter Sensory Bin
Hibernation, Migration, Adaptation Bundle #2
8 5 Tips to Teaching and Animals in Winter Unit
9 Hibernation, Migration and Adaptation Notebooking Pages
10 Animals in Winter adaptation, hibernation and migration color cards printable set
To read more, go HERE!
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