Have you been looking for a Bible curriculum? Here is the perfect way to teach the New Testament! It is the New Testament for kids, which means is it engaging, fun and most of all, it teaches the Bible at their level. This curriculum we are reviewing is by Grapevine Studies.
More specifically, I am talking about the New Testament Overview- Part 1 Level 1 and New Testament Overview- Level 1 Traceable (same link, just pick the Traceable option in the dropdown menu). Let me explain how we used it, what we think of it and what the difference is between the regular level 1 and the traceable level 1.
I am really excited about telling you about this awesome company again. We reviewed Grapevine Studies’ Old Testament Overview curriculum last year and love it so much. We are now enjoying the New Testament curriculum together.
The curriculum is basically used the same way for the Old and New Testaments. We get the digital copy of the book, I print out several lessons for my son (6yo) from level 1 and the same number of lessons for my daughter (4yo) from the level 1 traceable version. Then I print out those same lesson for me from the Teacher’s Manual.
I like to save paper and space by printing our pages double-sided. I even print the Teacher’s Manual in a layout that prints double-sided AND 2 pages on each side. You can set this up in your printer settings.
I use a clip to hand them one page at a time and once they are done with both sides of the page, I put it in a 3-ring binder. Look at the picture below. Here, you see both are level 1 for the New Testament side by side, but the one on the left is the traceable one and the one on the right is for older children.
My daughter, who is 4 right now, uses the traceable one. I find that not only does it teach her how to draw stick figures in a creative way, but she will soon be able to use the version that isn’t traceable.
Additionally, my son can peek into my daughter’s traceable page to get an idea on what he is to draw on his page. He does a great job at freehand for this curriculum and he is always proud to show us his work.
One confession, though…he gives every stick figure a belly! Hahaha! And my daughter, at 4 years of age, discovered how to draw eyelashes, so now EVERYONE gets long and luscious eyelashes (men, women, angels, babies, you name it). I think that is hilarious.
Anyhow, we love doing 2 pages worth of lesson per day. We do them as part of our devotional time in the mornings after breakfast. My son and I look up the scripture verses in our Bibles and we take turns reading them. We read, discuss, draw and color. More time than none, my children ask to keep going. They just love the continuity of the lessons and how Grapevine Studies lay them out.
My favorite part is that we can all study the same lesson together, but each at their own level. Level 1 contains a few extras that the traceable one doesn’t, like lines to write down the memory verses, additional review questions and things like that.
My son isn’t a huge fan of coloring (like my daughter is), so while she colors, he will do the extra stuff with me. It works out perfectly!
We really enjoy Grapevine studies and we highly recommend it. Give it a try for free! Enjoy a Free Last Supper eLesson! Download HERE!
Take a look at the levels HERE!

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