Another simple machine is the pulley. It uses a wheel, an axle and a rope (or a chain) for it to work. A pulley is considered a simple machine because it is simple to make, but it makes work easier. In this post, we focus on simple machines pulley pictures and information cards for kids to really bring this lesson home.
Simple Machine Resources
Explore Simple Machines!: With 25 Great Projects (ExploreThe Kids’ Book of Simple Machines: Cool ProjectsIgnition Series Physics Simple MachinesK’NEX Education – Intro to Simple Machines: LeversSimple Machines (Starting with Science)Simple Machines: Wheels, Levers, and PulleysSimple Machines- Set of 5 MachinesLearning Resources Stem Simple Machines Activity Set
Simple Machines – Pulleys
With these cards, we learn about what pulleys are, how they work and how people use them for different things. We also show pictures of different kinds of pulleys so the next time you are out and about, kids will be able to spot pulleys around their world.
A pulley can be attached to a higher point and move an object from a lower to a higher place like pulling a bucket out of a well. A pulley can also be attached to a fixed point and move an object horizontally from one place to another like on a zip line.
Printable Pulley Pictures and Information Cards
There are 18 printable cards, some have information and some have images of pulleys. There are information cards that can be matched up with some picture cards and there are some that stand alone.
I personally like to use the higher point and horizontal general definitions. Then we sort through the different images and set the images under their correct definition. It helps kids study images. Then they determine whether a pulley is used for a higher point purpose (like a carne) or a horizontal purpose (a clothesline).
Now it’s your turn! Enter your email address below and then check your inbox to receive the file of this printable directly there!
Simple Wooden Machine: Pulley Model, (3855)The Science Cube: Pulley Demonstration Set – PhysicsPull, Lift, and Lower: A Book About PulleysPulleys (Simple Machines)
Thank you for visiting our Simple Machines – Pulley Pictures and Information Cards post!
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