Is your kindergartner ready for reading?
My oldest was able to read at a very early age and it has made a world of difference in learning. I was so excited that my youngest was showing interest for the written word and was looking around for a curriculum that would hold her interest and help teach her how to read. We reviewed the Horizons Phonics & Reading set for Kinder to see if it would meet our expectations. Here is what we found.

What is in the Horizons Phonics & Reading Kinder Set?
The Kindergarten Set comes with four workbooks that have a total of 160 lessons for students. You can keep the lessons in the workbooks or tear them out for a more individualized approach. It also comes with four readers with stories that match with the lessons in the workbooks.
This set also comes with a very thorough and complete guide book for the teacher/homeschool mom with lots of information, blackline masters, schedules, tips, lesson plans and so much more. We also got a dry erase whiteboard for additional penmanship practice or to practice reading words and a beautiful floor puzzle.
How did we use Phonics & Reading Kinder Set?
My daughter isn’t officially in kindergarten yet, but she is already doing kindergarten work using other curricula. We were so happy to receive the materials for this set because she is really enjoying it. I took the materials out and took a couple of days to read through the material. In reality, it would only take an hour or two to go through it all and get a general idea on how it works.
Then I showed my little girl her new workbooks and readers and she was fascinated by the colors and how successful she was. The first lesson took a little bit longer than the rest because it was new to her and we were both learning the ropes. By the time we did the second lesson a couple of days later, she was ready! She smiled and cheered and got the hang of it quickly.
We do one lesson in one sitting, including workbook and reader, and we do it three times per week.
How did we like Horizons Phonics & Reading Kinder Set?
This set is fantastic! I had heard things about other grades and it was all good, but this was our first up-close encounter with this material. I am very impressed on how organized it is and how easy it is to use. How did my daughter like it? She loves it!
And what is more, not only does she enjoy what she is doing, but she is actually learning to read! She is reading more words after each lesson. I am floored at how much she is picking up as the lessons go by. I would love to complete this set and continue using it with her.
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