This post is about the most fun topic you can ever learn about: edible science! Here, I will show you edible science experiments for kids. They will love them and you will love them. Sit back and enjoy this post as you gather ideas and information on how to make this awesomeness happen in your home.
The book we used is by Ann McCallum. She has so many awesome books! I fact, we reviewed her history cookbook HERE and had so much fun with it. We loved it so much that we ordered her edible science book. It is called: Eat Your Science Homework – Recipes for Inquiring Minds
. Catchy, huh?
Out of all the recipes in the book, this one (that we will show you in this post) caught my eye the most. We will make all of them at some point for sure, because they’re so awesome, but for now, we decided to make edible 3D atom models (different combinations make different molecules). Oh! And we also have a free printable for you!
First, we read the section in the book about molecules, the Periodic Table of Elements, atoms and the like. It was fascinating to my children to think that everything is made or atoms and molecules and that different combinations make different substances and textures.
For our experiment, we started with popping popcorn and setting it aside. Next, I put in marshmallows, butter and the rest of the ingredients in a small pot to melt. We added 6 drops of natural and non-toxic blue food coloring to one mixing bowl and 6 drops of red food coloring to another mixing bowl.
Once the marshmallow mix was melted and ready, we split it between both mixing bowls and used a spatula to mix it with the food coloring. It is sticky! I took advantage of the opportunity to discuss density, viscosity and mixtures.
My son was in charge of the blue mix bowl and my daughter was in charge of the red one. After they added about 4 handfuls of popcorn to their bowls, the mixed them well to try to cover most of the popcorn.
We let them cool a bit because it was hot to the touch. Once the mix was cooler, but not too hard, we took small bunches of it to make balls of it with our hands. We set them aside to cool completely on a cookie sheet lined with wax paper as we were making them. We made 6 of each color, but you can make as many as you want.
When they cooled, they hardened more and they were easier to handle because they weren’t as sticky. Next, we used the printable cards that I made with pictures of 4 easy and cool atomic models (molecules). We made all four and a few more with our atomic popcorn balls.
We made molecular models for water, white phosphorus, methane, ammonia and a few more. I never thought I’d say this, but it was actually fun discussing elements, atoms and molecules, how they connect, what they make when certain combinations are made and things like that. I highly recommend Eat Your Science Homework – Recipes for Inquiring Minds.
At the end of our lesson, the real fun began: they got to eat their Science homework! I am telling you… edible science experiments for kids are the best! They were yummy. To make it easy for you to have the 3D atom model images on hand, I made a set of printable cards.
Not only do they should the picture of the 3D model, but they show their name, their molecular element combination (for example, for water, the combination is H2O – 2 molecules of hydrogen and 1 of oxygen). I also included a matching picture for each element so children can make the connection between the element and where the element is found.
To order Eat Your Science Homework – Recipes for Inquiring Minds, click on the book title.
Edible Science Experiments for Kids
You may also like our review of Ann McCallum’s History Cookbook:
Recipes from the Revolutionary War for Children
Here are other recipes with children on this blog:
Super Easy Personal Pizza Recipes
Homemade Cinnamon Rolls Recipes
Apple Cinnamon Muffin Recipe {Free Printable}
Eggless and Dairy-free Delicious Banana Bread
Edible Science Experiments for Kids | The Natural Homeschool
Valentines Day Drink for Kids -Mrs. Karle’s Sight and Sound Reading
Baking Chocolate Chip Cookies with a Preschooler | Simple Fun for Kids
Fairy Princess Valentine’s Baking Day | Artsy Momma
Apple-less Apple Pie Kitchen Science Experiment for Kids | School Time Snippets
Kristina @ School Time Snippets says
Looks like a lovely book for hands-on learning… and eating!!
Jeanne says
Very cool project. Atoms are a pure substance and only made of one type of atom, which is made of protons, neutrons and electrons. Those look like molecules made from different types of atoms.
Deb says
This looks so cool! One of my favorite science activites I remember from 2nd grade was making a water molecule with kix cereal, mini marshmallows, and toothpicks. To this day, almost 30 years later I remember how fun that was! This sounds even yummier 🙂