In this post, you will see an overview of our unit with the lessons we studied, the books we read and the hands-on activities that brought the lessons home. I just love writing posts about science and we love talking about how much we enjoy our Science curriculum. This review is about Nancy Larson Science 1.
The Anatomy of the Human Body Unit
Here, you can see all of what you get for the Nancy Larson Science 1 curriculum. It is so complete, I cannot even tell you how awesome it is. You can also wee the lessons we did for Unit E, which is about discovering what is inside of our bodies. This curriculum has six units and each unit has between 8 and 17 lessons, which is really fun and thorough. Children learn so much with this kind of strategy, especially because it includes a comprehensive list of reading materials to order or borrow from the library.
The lesson about the skeletal system was so intriguing for my children. We have studied the skeletal system before (see it here), but what they love the most is the x-ray set that comes with the curriculum. We used a light table to look at the human bones up close and discussed the function of each bone.

The Human Body System Series Bundle
$10.00 $7.99
This Human Body Systems (endocrine, nervous, digestive, circulatory – with parts of the heart and blood cells, muscular, skeletal and respiratory) bundle includes:
- Human Body Systems 3-Part Cards
- Human Anatomy Systems Learning Card Set
- Body Systems Cursive Handwriting Page
- Manuscript Handwriting Page
- 4 Pages of Anatomy-related Cutting Practice and Project (for Fine Motor Skills)
- Body Systems Mini Posters and Fill-out Cards
- 2 Anatomy Wheel Crafts
- Human Body Systems Word Search
This digital download is 42 pages long.
Some books we read: Dem Bones, The Skeletal System
and The Skeleton Inside You
The lesson about joints and muscles was extremely hands-on, as you can see. We went on our daily lives and activities (like tae kwon do, ballet, golf and piano), but for the week after our lesson, I made sure to point out every time my children (or I) used our joints and muscles for different things. We also talked about how we wouldn’t be able to make beautiful music with our tin whistles or our piano without muscles and joints (and phalanges, of course)!
Some books we read: The Muscular System and Your Muscles
The Nervous System is controlled by the brain and the brain is the body’s computer. It controls bodily functions in a very complex and valuable way. Studying the Nervous System was important because it helped my children make the connection between the brain and the rest of our body through nerves and such.
For the Respiratory System, we actually made lungs out of balloons! My children loved having 3D lungs that they could play with. In our lesson, we memorized and labeled the main parts of the Respiratory System, such as the nose, mouth, trachea, bronchial tubes and lungs. We mentioned the capillaries, alveoli, etc.
Here are some of the books we read: How Does Your Brain Work?, The Nervous System
, How Do Your Lungs Work?
and The Respiratory System
The Digestive System was fun for several reasons. We got to eat food and analyze the process of digestion and we even went to our dentist to get our teeth checked. It was perfect timing for our checkup and our lesson! Without healthy teeth, chewing would be painful or simply impossible, so this lesson tied in to being dental hygiene. Perfect!
When the Skin lesson came up, I was wondering how to make it interesting. Oh, I had nothing to worry! Nancy Larson Science 1 made it all for me! It was so much fun talking about the largest organ in our body and it was fantastic studying our fingerprints up-close and finding the different kinds of patterns we all have. Isn’t the anatomy of the human body amazing?!
Here are some of the books we read: Your Skin and Mine, What Happens to a Hamburger?
(A FAVORITE!) and Where Does Your Food Go?
We also studied the Circulatory System and had so much fun with our human organ mini replicas and using our stethoscope to hear each others’ heartbeats. These are some of the books we read: A Drop of Blood, Hear your Heart
and Your Heart
More books we loved in the other lessons in the unit: Germs! Germs! Germs!, Gregory, the Terrible Eater
and Germs Make Me Sick!
Interested in Nancy Larson Science? Find them everywhere! Take at the list below. 😉
Read my posts on the units we have studied so far in Science 1!
We Love our New Science Curriculum!
Unit A: The Life Stages of Human Beings Unit
Unit B: Observing Parts of Trees & Plants {Lessons, Hands-on Activities & Books}
Unit C: Exploring Sunlight, Water and Soil: And Earth Science Unit
Investigating Animals & Their Habitats
Thank you for visiting our Anatomy of the Human Body Unit!
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3 Any prior recommendations from my online shop (ebooks, etc,) are included
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