If you have been looking for a set with a variety of awesome printable Christmas card designs, then you have found the perfect product!
In this post, you will see everything about this beautiful Printable Christmas Cards Set!
Printable Christmas Cards
These are such fun kids Christmas printables because they can take them and make them their own to give to friends and loved ones this Christmas season!
If you want your kids to make some Christmas printable activities, then why not put these activities to good use by having your kids make Christmas cards to give!
Homeschool Printables
These Christmas printables for kids have been perfect for our family because we print the Christmas cards in color, cut them and then have a brainstorming session with the kids.
We write on the whiteboard about 5 or 6 different messages that they dictate to me or write themselves.
Then they have at it!
They write cards to deployed soldiers, to the elderly in elderly homes, to the homeless, to their co-op teachers, to their extracurricular classes teachers, to some of their homeschool co-op classmates, to their family members and to their friends!
Printable Christmas Card Set
We write a few a day to not get overwhelmed. The kids love it, though!
They never complain about it because they know how awesome it is to give them out and the wonderful reactions they get.
This set of printable Christmas cards has 96 cards total! There are plenty of cards to give to everyone around you! Take a look.
I made 24 designs and designed them in different layouts (card, postcard and tag).
The set includes:
- 24 half-page card designs
- 24 lovely postcard designs
- A set of 24 1/4 page designs
- And 24 gift tag designs
Print a Christmas card or twenty.
The sweet thing about this set is that you can pick and choose which cards you want to print and how many of each design!
Keep the files to use yearly, if you want! Isn’t that awesome?! A small investment that will last you for years and years!
Print your own Christmas cards every year!
Learn more below:

Printable Christmas Cards Set (96 total)
$12.00 $5.99
This set of printable Christmas cards has 96 cards total!
The set includes:
- 24 half-page card designs
- 24 postcard designs
- 24 1/4 page designs
- 24 gift tag designs
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