Homeschooling High School
I know what you are thinking: homeschooling through high school (and maybe even through middle school) is too daunting a task. But you know what? It is definitely doable! I just finished reading and reviewing the book “The Conversation” by Leigh A. Bortins from Classical Conversations and it discussed in detail how to make homeschooling through high school possible.
In doing my research, there are hundreds (and thousands) of families doing it every day (29% percent of all homeschoolers, in fact) in the United States and many they are doing it at an excellent level. And even better news, out of all homeschooled high schoolers, only 11% don’t finish high school.
Classical Education Homeschool
My mother-in-law successfully homeschooled her seven children through high school. I not only admire her for that, but she is an inspiration for our family to follow suit. We are so excited about the giant goal we feel called to take on for our two children.
To go a step further, we have been using Classical Education (particularly, Classical Conversations) for a couple of years now. My children are 3 and 5 years old, but that doesn’t meant that it is too early to start looking ahead and plan our path toward our goal.
Classical education has not only brought important information to memorize and learn about, but it has also made it all about God. In reading the Math chapter (p.27) in “The Conversation,” I asked myself these questions about why I homeschool:
Why do I teach my children?
Why do I teach my children Math?
So they can come to love the Creator of Math.
Why do I teach my children Science?
So they can come to love the Creator of Science.
Why do I teach my children History?
So they can see our Creator’s hand over and over to bless humanity.
Why do I teach my children Languages and Fine Arts?
So they can be in awe of their Creator and see and hear His masterpieces all around.
Why do I teach my children all subjects with such passion?
Because I have a fervent passion for the Creator of those subjects.
It all points to Him and ultimately, it’s ALL about Him.

High School = Rhetoric Stage
High school-aged students are in the developmental stage of rhetoric (third stage). If they have been taught right, their typical teenage outburst and arguments are replaced by presenting their ideas in a confident, well-defined and eloquent manner. See, they are in the perfect age to develop wisdom (rhetoric – thirds stage), based on the knowledge (grammar -first stage) and understanding (dialectic -second stage).
In “The Conversation,” you can learn more about what rhetoric is, how to hone in on it and how to incorporate it in your child’s Classical Education. You will learn about the five canons of rhetoric and how to apply them to any topic. It also includes plenty of guiding examples. The most important thing is to learn to develop meaningful conversations with your high schooler.
How Is This Book Relevant In Our Homeschool?
The Conversation is a thorough book that covers all the bases. It talks about the basics of homeschooling through high school, it dedicates an entire chapter to the subjects to be studied and gives amazing conversational lesson examples. I am sure that this book will be at the top of my list when we are getting closer to this stage.
I plan on reading it regularly to make sure that we stay on track with our goal and that we are moving in the right direction in our Classical homeschool. I am excited about watching my children blossom beyond knowledge and understanding to become a wise man and woman in their teen years. Most importantly, I am excited about purposing to develop our conversations that make us discuss deep topics and that challenge us.

My Opinion Of The Conversation
Can I be completely honest with you? I have read Leigh’s book “The Core” and now I read “The Conversation” (I still need to get a hold of “The Question”) and every time I read anything by her, I feel like my homeschool momma tank gets filled up all over again! It is fantastic! Her books offer so much insight and so many examples and guidance that my confidence grows exponentially.
In conclusion, without a shadow of a doubt, I highly recommend “The Conversation” and any of Leigh A. Bortin’s books.
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Renae says
I just love the quotes you share in this post! I can completely understand the confidence you gain as you read the book. I will definitely have to put this on my Books to Read list! Thank you for sharing!