The 7 continents of the world have hundreds of countries. And every country has its own flag. Some of them are simple, with just one or two colors. Some have simple stripes and others have very colorful and intricately designed symbols. My favorite ones are the ones with birds and coats of arms. In this post, we will show you an amazing unit on 250+ Country Flags of the World that includes 500+ Printable 3-Part Cards of country flags! Imagine all you can do with these!
Flags Around the World
The World Encyclopedia of FlagsComplete Flags WLD: The Ultimate Pocket Guide
Ultimate Sticker Book: Flags Around the World (Ultimate Sticker Books)
Flags of the World: 96 Color Stickers (Dover Stickers)
Country Flags of the World
In this amazing set, we don’t cover all the flags of the world, but we do have more than 250 country flags of the world! Wouldn’t it be super awesome for your kids to learn the 250 country names, where they are located (continent) and what their flags look like? Wow! What an incredible thought, isn’t it? Check out our How to use Montessori 3-Part Cards post! It will give you all of the details you need! We set you up for success, for sure!
Homeschool Printables
This flags world pictures bundle includes:
- 61 Europe flags set of 3-Part Cards
- 59 Africa flags 3-Part Cards
- 52 Asia flags, including Eurasia and the Middle East
- 40 Central America and Caribbean flags
- 24 Australia and Oceania flags
- 10 South America flags
- 5 North America countries flags
- 1 Antarctica flag
500+ Printable Montessori at Home 3-Part Cards
This bundle covers the flags of the world pictures and names of all seven continents in the world. You and your kids will really enjoy using these! I highly recommend printing them in color and laminating them for durability, especially if you are going to print and cut 500+ 3-part cards!

500+ Country Flags of the World Printable 3-Part Cards MEGA Bundle
$20.00 $9.99
This flags world pictures bundle includes 252 flags of the world! Of course, they are not all the flags of the world, but they are so many to learn and they offer a variety because they are from the 7 continents of the world.
- 5 North America countries flags
- 10 South America flags
- 59 Africa flags 3-Part Cards
- 61 Europe flags
- 24 Australia and Oceania flags
- 1 Antarctica flag
- 40 Central America and Caribbean flags
- 52 Asia flags, including Eurasia and the Middle East
National Flags of the World Resources
Montessori Flags of The World National Flags Learning & Education 200 World Country Flags International Banner Bunting, 165 Feet 8.2” x 5.5”
Box of 100 Different Wold Flags Country Flags Toothpick Flags
Children Wooden Puzzle World Map Flag Matching Puzzle
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Work with Me! Personalized Coaching Sessions (Montessori & Homeschool)
$75.00 $50.00
Do you need homeschool or Montessori at home coaching?
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Take advantage of my 15 years of experience in the Montessori philosophy and 10 years of homeschooling.
1 A 30-minute video (or phone) call via Zoom for a 100% personalized “in-person” coaching
It will be recorded and the link will be sent via email within 24 hours for further review.
Once you purchase the coaching session HERE, I will contact you to set up a time that works for both of us.
2 An email prior to coaching call detailing what questions, concerns, issues need to be addressed.
This helps with maximizing face-to-face time for actual practical implementation tips.
3 Any prior recommendations from my online shop (ebooks, etc,) are included
4 A follow-up email within 24 hours of the video call, detailing what was discussed, steps to take, any additional recommendations from my online shop (again, also included in the package).
5 A second follow-up email/contact 1-2 weeks after the video coaching call to see how client is progressing and to see if another video call needs to be scheduled

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