This is an awesome activity that mixes History and Art because it includes a free printable Art History timeline and list of famous modern artists!
We have been working on these artists and their works of art, so we’ve included artists from 1860 (Grandma Moses) up to the present, learning about the closest one born to our lifetime (Chris Van Allsburg).
Don’t forget to visit our resources hub for music and fine arts!
It is full of wonderful hands-on ideas for you to use at home.
Famous Modern Artists Books
These books helped us learn a lot and do our research about each artist. We hope you find them helpful.
The Usborne Book of Famous ArtistsThe Usborne Book of Famous Paintings
Famous Artists Sticker Book (Sticker Reference)
Usborne The Children’s Book of Art: Internet Linked
Discovering Great Artists: Hands-On Art for Children in the Styles of the Great Masters (Bright Ideas for Learning (TM))
An Eye for Art: Focusing on Great Artists and Their Work
Great Artists: The Lives of 50 Painters Explored Through Their Work
Great American Artists for Kids: Hands-On Art Experiences in the Styles of Great American Masters (Bright Ideas for Learning (TM))
Homeschool Printable Art History Timeline (1860-Present)
Let me tell you about our printable. First, you print this set in color and cut out the timeline and cards.
Tape the timeline pieces together in the right order.
Then you use the key card to match the artist cards with their works of art.
You can leave the artist name and the dates attached like we did or you can cut them out to have 4 cards per artist (portrait, artwork, name and dates).
Since my kids are 5 and 7 and we just started this unit, I left the nomenclature attached to the cards.
It helps them make a connection between the portrait and their name as well as matching the artwork with the dates in which they were created (or photographed).
I included some artists, sculptors and photographers that were popular in their time.
The coolest thing is that some are still alive right now!
It’s one thing to study History when it is all in the past, but artists such as Jim Davis and Chris Van Allsburg are still alive!
So for this second activity with these printables, we used only the cards with the artists.
It was fun putting them on the timeline and finding out which ones were born closest to each other and where they were from.
The activity looked like the picture below.
Why did I include Grandma Moses in this even though she was born way before the rest?
Well, she is just so cool!
List of Famous Modern Artists (1860-Present)
It was really fun learning about these artists, sculptors and photographers.
Some took photographs of Gandhi and refugees.
Others painted scenes from their surroundings (farmland and such) and others made really amazing caricatures and pop art sketches.
Art is so diverse during this period, but it was great seeing how technology played a part in all this.
So now it’s your turn! Make sure you use this set in many ways.
To get this set, all you do is enter your email below and then check your email.
The PDF file will be right in your inbox! 🙂
Thank you for visiting our Printable Art History Timeline and List of Famous Modern Artists (1860-Present) post!
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