We love to find out about the continents , countries, banners, seasons etc.
Our love for that is limitless.
We appreciate it so much that we do not only need to invite you to see a compilation of 4 wonderful things we’ve completed.
We need you to get the Continents 3-Part Cards Printable and for you to be able to do these 4 Continent Studies activities at home with your children.
You get a color set and a black and white set.
It is simple with these wonderful free continent printables to teach the continents to preschoolers and older children!
Check out our tutorial here!
This lesson for children on the 7 continents is fantastic!
And don’t forget to visit our Geography lessons list!
It is full of great ideas, lessons, activities and printables that will make your Geography classes easier!
The 7 Continents Free Printables
Let’s start with the prep work (no children required for this part).
AmazonBasics Thermal Laminator
AmazonBasics Thermal Laminating Pouches – 8.9-Inch x 11.4-Inch,
Swingline Paper Trimmer / Cutter, Guillotine, 12
You will need:
– laminator
– 4 laminating pouches
– 2 copies of the FREE Printable 3-part cards (find link at the end of the lessons)
– Scissors or guillotine
1. Print 2 copies of the FREE Printable
2. Laminate all 4 sheets
3. One set of cards will be cut WITH the name attached to the image (see below, left)
4. The second set will be cut SEPARATELY with name and image (see below, right)
All ready to begin teaching children with these Montessori inspired cards! That was easy!
These printables and world map set includes:
- a color world map (each continent is a different color and oceans are blue)
- a 3-part cards set of the 7 continents and list of continents in color
- a 3-part cards set of the 7 continents and list in black and white
The 7 Continents are:
- North America
- South America
- Europe
- Africa
- Asia
- Australia
- Antarctica
It is perfect for unit studies!
More Montessori Geography Materials
Amazing Child Montessori World Map Board Puzzle Puzzle map and Globe for teaching children
Montessori inspired Map Work for social studies

Montessori Continent & World Maps for Lacing
$8.00 $2.99
The maps follow the colors in The Montessori Philosophy, so they match perfectly.
Cut out around these Montessori continent and world maps.
Then, punch holes all around.
Have the child use long shoelaces, ribbon or yarn in matching color to lace around.
This set includes:
- World map in blue
- North America map in orange
- South America map in pink
- Europe map in red
- Africa map in dark green
- Asia map in yellow
- Australia map in brown
- Antarctica map in white
8 pages total
Montessori Continents Printables (Activity 1)
We went to the home-school room after I had finished making the 3-part cards.
We have an outstanding area of Geography that we love.
It is full of hands on activities.
On the puzzle we passed over the landmass maps and named the mainlands (continents).
We have some rhyme that we use to name off the mainlands.
It causes us recall every one of them seven.
At that point, we got our inflatable globes and were finding and pointing at the various landmasses on them.
Preferably, make sure that the continents and oceans are as true to size and shape as possible.
Next on the lesson plan, I set out the main arrangement of the 3-part cards and we went over those names.
Then, I got the second arrangement of the 3-part cards and gave my daughter the pictures (since she is younger) and my son the names (since he is older).
At first, Sister would match one of her mainland pictures and afterward Brother would locate the coordinating name and set it underneath the picture that Sister had matched up.
They truly appreciated doing it a few times.
I was an observer, not by any means controlling, simply giving them a chance to do their exercise after I did the first Presentation of this work.
To get the formal presentation for 3-part cards, click here.
It is awesome that it is a self-check movement and it very well may be done independently or two by two (like for this situation).
7 Continents Printables (Activity 2)
This is a really fun and cool extension to the basic 3-part cards lesson.
I highly recommend it, especially if you want to be teaching continents to preschoolers.
We matched the continent cards with the puzzle map continents using the same set of our continents free printables!

Continents Names (Activity 3)

World Geography Continents (Activity 4)
Lastly, we want them to match up the continents on the puzzle map to the continent names (only nomenclature cards).
Now that they can recognize the shapes of the continents, they can actually use only the continent names with the puzzle.
Wonderful 7 Continent Resources
If you liked this lesson and this printable, then you will love our printable bundles!
Come check them out! Here are a few or the many we have!
Free Printable Continents 3-Part Cards and Map
Now it is YOUR turn! Come get this 7 continents printable in color and black and white as well as a map!
In the form below, enter your name and email address.
Then, check your inbox. The PDF file will be there waiting for you!

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Work with Me! Personalized Coaching Sessions (Montessori & Homeschool)
$75.00 $50.00
Do you need homeschool or Montessori at home coaching?
We customize a package that will help YOU the most, but this is our most popular package:
Take advantage of my 15 years of experience in the Montessori philosophy and 10 years of homeschooling.
1 A 30-minute video (or phone) call via Zoom for a 100% personalized “in-person” coaching
It will be recorded and the link will be sent via email within 24 hours for further review.
Once you purchase the coaching session HERE, I will contact you to set up a time that works for both of us.
2 An email prior to coaching call detailing what questions, concerns, issues need to be addressed.
This helps with maximizing face-to-face time for actual practical implementation tips.
3 Any prior recommendations from my online shop (ebooks, etc,) are included
4 A follow-up email within 24 hours of the video call, detailing what was discussed, steps to take, any additional recommendations from my online shop (again, also included in the package).
5 A second follow-up email/contact 1-2 weeks after the video coaching call to see how client is progressing and to see if another video call needs to be scheduled

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