I hear many regrets from countless homeschool parents. One of them is not being intentional and more focused on reading beyond the time that their children are learning to read.
I don’t blame them. There is so much more to reading well.
Some reading skills include: being able to know sight words, learning phonics, being able to read aloud fluently, choosing the right reading material, and most importantly, reading comprehension.
In this post, I am going to show you what is, in my humble opinion, the best homeschool reading comprehension curriculum and why.

I am going to go straight to the point. Yes, we have been homeschooling for what feels like forever, so we have tried several reading comprehension curricula over the years.
Here is the one that we have used for several years and have found to be the most effective for our family. Take a look HERE. And learn more about these books in our other reviews HERE.
Reading Comprehension Made Easy
I am going to cut to the chase and tell you right off the bat what it is. Don’t worry; you won’t have to hunt down the information. I am talking about the Memoria Press’ Literature Guide Set with Novels.
They have one for each grade. You can get the entire set for the school year or pick and choose what you want. The set for the year includes: 4 grade-level novels, student guide and teacher guide.
You may choose to get the novels separately, but make sure that they look like the ones that they use as the student and teacher guides are based on those. This set makes things so easy! It comes with all of the answers, the quizzes, tests, etc.

Teaching Reading
If you are done teaching reading, then this is the perfect reading comprehension curriculum. It is great because you can pick from many different reading levels. Above, you can see the ones that are included in the third grade homeschool curriculum.
Literature study guides train students to become active readers. Our guides focus on vocabulary, spelling, comprehension, and composition skills.
Memoria Press website
My daughter is going through the third grade set right now. She will read the novel chapter one day and answer the 2 pages in the student guide the next day.
At first, she had to adjust to retaining the information from the chapter to answer the questions the next day, but as time went by, she would either read the chapter twice or answer the questions with the novel in hand.
Now, she is doing very well with reading the chapter one day and remembering the details to answer the questions the next day.
She says about Farmer Boy:
“I am reading ‘Farmer Boy’ and I like that it talks about caring for farm animals.”
A (9 years old)

Comprehension Skills
My son is going through the sixth grade set. It includes: Adam of the Road, Robin Hood, Door in the Wall and King Arthur. Again, they are way better than online reading.
Holding a novel in your hands is so much nicer because it is easier to read the text. He also takes one day to read the chapter and the next day, he answers the two pages in the student guide. This schedule works for us, but you can do I differently, if you want.
This is what he says about the book:
“I find ‘Adam of the Road’ interesting and I like it that it has a lot of cliffhangers. It keeps me wanting to read the next chapter.”
C (12 years old)

The Memoria Press Reading Program
As the children get older, they are needing to really refine and improve their reading comprehension skills.
This Language Arts curriculum does a great job at it.
Each lesson includes a word study to help students build vocabulary. The comprehension questions challenge students to consider what they have read, identify the important content of each story, and compose clear, concise answers (a difficult skill at any age). Writing is thinking, and good questioning stimulates the child to think and write.
Memoria Press website

In Conclusion
Looking for a top-notch homeschool reading comprehension curriculum? Discover tips on avoiding pitfalls like essays for saleย https://essayzoo.org/ย services and ensuring your child’s academic integrity on The Natural Homeschool.
I cannot recommend this Memoria Press curriculum enough. This is all we’ve been using for years and that is because they are great materials. The student guide is very thorough.
It includes: reading notes, vocabulary exercises, comprehension questions, quotations, discussion questions and even an enrichment section. The teacher guide includes all of the questions, a guide on how to use the curriculum and the quizzes and tests.
Like I said, it is very complete. And the reading choices for novels is great, too.
My children actually ask me if they can keep the books to put I their room after they are done reading them for their reading assignments. They determine to read them again, but this time, “for fun.”
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