What is the difference between weathering and erosion?
As we keep learning more and more about erosion, weathering and deposition in our Science STEM activities, we are definitely happy that we incorporated a sensory experience in our homeschool.
In this post, you will see how we made terracotta models on weathering, erosion & deposition for kids to understand.
Don’t forget to check out our awesome hub for all kinds of erosion, weathering and deposition printables and activities!
Weathering, Erosion & Deposition for Kids ~ Sensory Craft
For this hands-on craft, you will need:
- wax paper (about 1sq foot per child)
- terracotta (uncooked)
- images and definitions for erosion, weathering and deposition
Pantryware Essentials DeliWaxPaper10-500 Deli Wax Paper, 10Scupley Oven Bake Clay, Terra Cotta
Weathering, Erosion & Deposition for Kids ~ Science STEM Activities
First, I took out all of the printable cards and other hands-on learning resources that we have to review what erosion, weathering and deposition are.
It was really good to use all resources t once because I could see them recollecting more and more as we kept reviewing.
What is erosion?
Use questions such as these and books to research more:
- What is erosion?
- What causes erosion?
- What is the difference between weathering and erosion?
Weathering and Erosion (Science Readers: Content and Literacy)Erosion and Weathering (Rocks: The Hard Facts)
Weathering and Erosion (That Rocks!)
Then, I set up the wax paper in front of my daughter. I handed her the terracotta.
We discussed what erosion looks like and she consulted some of the 3-part cards with images of erosion as reference.
Then she got to work as we discussed the process on how to make our own erosion project.
It turned out great. She was excited and wanted to continue.
How is weathering different from erosion? What about deposition?
This craft will show kids how! Next, we went the same process to make a model for weathering and a model for deposition.
Take a look at how they turned out.
She understood even better what they are and how they come about by actually making one herself. I highly recommend doing this with your kids.
Now it’s your turn! Thank you for visiting our Weathering, Erosion & Deposition for Kids ~ Sensory Craft post!
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Facts on Weathering, Erosion & Deposition BUNDLE
$7.50 $4.99
This bundle includes: Erosion and Weathering Printable Set, Erosion and Weathering 3-Part Cards, What is Erosion? Info Cards, What is Weathering? Info Cards, What is Deposition? Info Cards and Erosion, Weathering & Deposition Wheel Craft
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