Why would you have your kids learn the Pledge to the Bible?
Because it is the irrefutable Word of God.
It is inspired by God and every word is true and full of power.
As a Christian family, we highly respect the Bible because it is God-breathed and it is a life guide for any and evert issue in life.
We learn the pledge of allegiance to the Bible and we recite it every day our homeschool is in session.
Don’t forget to visit our resources hub for homeschool printable flags activities and lessons!
It is full of wonderful hands-on Bible pledge of allegiance ideas for you to use at home.
Ideas for Teaching the Pledge to the Bible
Many of us have learned the Bible pledge of allegiance in Vacation Bible School (VBS), Sunday School or AWANA.
Regardless, it is a very special promise that we can strive for as Christians, as we focus on respecting God’s Word.
The pledge of allegiance to the Bible words are:
“I pledge allegiance to the Bible, God’s Holy Word.
I will make it a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.
I will hide its words in my heart that I may not sin against God.”
Here is a great list of Bible pledge ideas, activities and homeschool printables to help you bring this important pledge into your home.
I think you will find this list helpful.
Free Printables. Pledge of Allegiance (American Flag, Christian Flag, pledge to the Bible poster)
Here, you will find the designs I made and that I am making available for you as FREE printables!
The Pledge to the Bible Words – Ministry-To-Children
This simple Bible pledge reflects the importance of God’s Word and its role in the life of a believer.
Pledge to the Flag & the Bible – PathfindersOnline.org
Christian Pledges – Pledge to the Christian Flag, Pledge to the Bible
The Bible Pledge | Courageous Christian Father
This pledge comes from Psalm 119:105 and 11.
Bible Pledge of Allegiance | changingtheheart
Learn the History of the pledge to the Bible here.
I pledge allegiance to the bible – YouTube
I Pledge Allegiance To The Bible Sermon by James Chandler
We say the pledge to the Bible, but what does it really mean? Let’s take a deeper look and discover some truths.
Thank you for visiting our Pledge of Allegiance to the Bible Resources post!
Here are some more fun Bible and Christian ideas:
Memorize the Books of the Bible with Free Printable
Bible Story Activities for Kids
5 Things to Know about the Pledge to the Christian Flag {Printable Game}
Why You Should Teach the Christian Flag Pledge to Your Kids {Printable Poster}
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