Hello! I know that we have been having a hard time lately as a family, as a country and as part of this planet.
We are all in this together and I have been on the lookout on how I can help.
Besides offering 350+ free educational printables on this site, I wanted to create something specific to this unique and, hopefully, once-in-a-lifetime experience.
So I have made this free 20-page “Stay at Home” printable journal for you to download and print for your kids.
It is designed to encourage social distancing, staying healthy physically and emotionally and giving you great ideas.
We also have a free tutorial on how kids can make an easy facial mask with just 3 items that you probably already have at home.
“Stay at Home” social distancing printable journal
Are you wondering what is in this journal? Take a look at our video below!
This printable journal is 20 pages long.It includes:
- People and pets in my home (for kids to know who their cluster is and who needs to watch out for each other)
- My emotions check-in (there are situations that we cannot control and emotions surge within us, but that doesn’t mean that we let them take control, so we discuss alternative positive reactions)
- Virus coloring page and drawing activity
- “Wash your hands” poster to tape up and another one to design as a great reminder
- Social distancing hands-on activity with paper and markers
- Resources list for parents (arts & crafts, educational and emotional resources that you will find super helpful)
- Brainstorming idea sheets for indoor activities, games, chores, family time (so there are no excuses on boredom)
- and more!
You can download it below to print in color for you kids.
I recommend you do one copy for each child, unless you want to fill it out as a family.
Easy Face Mask Tutorial
My daughter was a little worried that her stuffed animal (unicorn) would catch the virus and get sick.
I showed her how she can make an easy face mask out of her bandana and two ponytail holders.
It is very quick and simple enough for a child to make on their own.
You can see the tutorial in the video below.
She was a lot more at peace after she was able to put on a mask on her unicorn.

Disclaimer: I am NOT a medical professional and I am IN NO WAY offering health advice or diagnosing medical conditions.
I am also NOT forcing you to use or to agree with everything in my free printable journal.
It is your responsibility to look it over once you have downloaded it to decide what you want to print for your kids.
This is a PDF file that can easily be printed as a whole or in part.
Skip whatever you don’t agree with or aren’t comfortable with, ok?
Alright! To get your free printable journal, simply enter your name and email below.
Then, check your email inbox. The PDF file will be there waiting for you!
Sometimes, the files get accidentally sent to spam and junk folders, so please check there, if yo udon’t see it in your inbox within 5 minutes of entering your email address.
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