Toddlers are so amazing! They love to have and “exploit” their sense of independence, so they want to do everything themselves. As regular adults, it is normal to know that we are aware that they can’t do everything on their own.
But at the same time, we don’t realize how much they CAN do, so we do for them far more than we should. This only grows their frustration because they want to DO. And we should let them try and learn and DO!
One of the ways that toddlers can help at home is by doing age-appropriate chores. They will learn to recognize chore by using chore pictures before using words. Or you can use both so they can begin to make the mental connection between a chore image and the words for it.
In this post, we will share with you a printable chore list in 3 different colors and also the best easy age appropriate toddler chore chart ideas! We will discuss about toddlers in the kitchen and chores that they can help with.
And don’t forget to check out our chore chart hub! It has great ideas to pick the perfect chore chart for multiple kids!

The Best Easy Age Appropriate Toddler Chore Chart Ideas
You might want to have a toddler chore chart printable to make it easier to stay on top of age-appropriate skills that toddlers can actually do at home. I will never forget how impressed I was to be subbing in a toddler Montessori class. We had 2- and 3-year olds in that class.
They had a children’s chore chart for each toddler in the class. There were chores on it that I was doubtful they would be able to complete, but lo and behold, they blew my mind! Toddlers can do a lot more than we give them credit for and opportunity to try.
Here is a short list of some chore ideas that you can adapt and use with your toddlers at home:
Age-Appropriate Chore List for Kids: Resources for Parents
Our Chore Chart Routine (Preschool)
House Chores Activity for a Preschooler
More toddler resources that you might find interesting (use code “welcome” at checkout to get 50% off all printable bundles and ebooks!):
Printable Montessori Practical Life Activities Checklists
$7.00 Add to cartQuick Buy- Sale!
Steps to Brushing Teeth for Children (Printable Chart and 3-Part Cards)
$5.00$3.50 Add to cart- Sale!
Montessori Practical Life Activities & Printables Bundle
$10.00$7.99 Add to cart- Sale!
Toddler Printable MEGA Bundle (20 Sets ~ 125 Pages)
$30.00$15.99 Add to cart- Sale!
6 Blank Chore Charts Printable Set + 3 BONUS Kitchen Charts
$5.99$2.99 Add to cartHow can I teach my wiggly toddler?
$17.00 Add to cartToddler Tasks and Chore Charts
You might have a kid’s chore chart for multiple kids, but these are usually for older kids. I haven’t really come across many toddler chore charts because, like I said, we don’t give them as many opportunities to try.
Maybe we just don’t know or don’t think they can or, let’s face it, we are lazy and it is easier and faster for us to just do it ourselves. But you can take that chore chart template for multiple kids and adapt it to use with toddlers. It can be a white board or a simple sheet of paper.
But what exactly do we include on a toddler’s chore chart? Ah! Perfect question! This is what we will be discussing in brevity. Just keep on reading and soon, you will see how your jobs can be your kids’ responsibility!
Toddler Tasks in the Kitchen
Speaking of printable chore charts, I have made a chore chart for toddlers kitchen chores. The chart comes in 3 colors to choose from. You can get it at the end of this blog post. It includes the chores below and a couple of blank spaces for you to add your own.
Here is a list of tasks that toddlers and preschoolers can do in the kitchen:
- Wash hands with water and soap
- Take meal items out of refrigerator
- Set the table
- Prepare a simple meal
- Pour drinks into cups
- Fold napkins (cloth or paper)
- Get plates, dishes, bowls, silverware and napkins out of cabinets
- Wipe the table before setting the table and after a meal
- Given a moist rag, wipe their faces and hands
- Throw things in the trash
- Climb up to sit in their chairs at the table
- Clear the table after a meal
- Wash dishes and cups
- Dry dishes and cups
- Put height-appropriate dishes and cups back in cupboards
- Excuse themselves from the table
- Load and unload the dishwasher (with help)
Montessori at Home Printable Chore Charts for Kids
If you have a chore chart for multiple kids, you will soon find out that a toddler won’t fit in as well, to you can recur to printable chore cards instead. These chore cards are perfect in helping children that can’t read yet learn about chores and do them around the house.
We have a great bundle with the best chore chart ideas. It includes 12 activities for kids to learn about chores and get started. And yes, we included 2 sets of beautiful chore chart pictures that toddlers can use, too!
12 Printable Chore Charts Pictures and Practical Activities
$15.00$7.99Here, we have 12 really fun activities related to printable chore charts for kids to print, color, trace, play, match, find and more!
1 Printable chore cards:back and white 3-part cards
2 Kindergarten, Preschool and toddler chore chart printable cutting strips
3 Printable chore list: black and white booklet to color, trace and write
4 Chore chart pictures:color 3-part cards
5 Children’s chore chart:black and white folding booklet to color
6 Chore cards Memory Gamefor younger and older kids
7 The best chore chart:handwriting practice sheet (manuscript)
8 Printable chore charts:handwriting practice sheet (cursive)
9 Toddler chore chart dice game(perfect for toddlers and older kids!)
10 Chore chart template for multiple kids:color booklet to trace and write
11 iSpy chore pictures:2 sheets, 2 levels
12 Chore chart for multiple kids:word search sheet
This bundle includes 22 pages, but it’s actually more because some of them are to be printed twice (like the 3-part cards, the memory game and more).
Keep the digital file so you can use it over the years, as you need to. EU buyers, CLICK HERE.
Free Printable Chore Charts
If you are eager to get started, here are some free printable chore chart templates that you can use. They have some free printable chore charts for multiple children that are easy to adapt for children of varying ages.
Free printable pictures for chore charts:
The Best List of Free Printable Chore Charts for Multiple Children
Chore Charts for Multiple Children {Free Printable Charts & Cards}
“I Can Clean My Room by Myself” Chore Chart Printable
And now, let’s talk about the free printable in this post! It is a free printable chore list for toddlers to help around in the kitchen. It will take some time to teach them these skills, but they will feel so successful when they master them! And you will be so proud!
To download this free printable chore chart ideas list, simply enter your name and email address below. Then go check your inbox. The PDF download will be there waiting for you!
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