I am going to be completely honest with you: I think that cursive is an extremely important skill for children to learn. You can call me old-fashioned it you want, but cursive isn’t just beautiful to look at…there is brain research that has been done about it.
Brain research has proven that writing in cursive activates multiple parts of the brain simultaneously and it isn’t only contained to writing, but it actually spills over into every area of life. I was set on teaching my children to write in cursive, but after researching it, I was absolutely clear about it.
CursiveLogic Handwriting Workbook
My son is only 5.5 years old, but his handwriting was turning a bit more artistic lately, so I wondered if it would be a good time to introduce cursive to him. We started using CursiveLogic and wow, from the very first lesson, he was impressed and beyond interested.
I made a tentative schedule for us to use this program, just so he wouldn’t be discouraged or feel overwhelmed by it. On the contrary! I had scheduled 2 pages per day and he would beg to do more. This is every single time we do cursive. I am beyond excited about this!
The Best Way for Children to Learn to Write Cursive
How does CursiveLogic work? There are four sections in the alphabet and each section teaches a different initial stroke. Every section comes with plenty of practice and plenty or review pages. I am amazed at how my son cheers for himself every time he does well in his cursive. He is really learning! He is only 5.5 years old, but he is doing amazing!
I am definitely recommending this program and I am sure I will be using it with my daughter when she is old enough. CursiveLogic is a program that works. It makes sense, it is easy to understand and apply and it is information that really stays with the child because of all the practice it provides.
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CursiveLogic is one notebook with lessons on how to sit and place hands for optimal cursive writing. It is an excellent-quality workbook with text in color. And the best part, it is very affordable! Give CursiveLogic a try!
CursiveLogic Handwriting WorkbookSpencerian Copybooks 1-5, Set, without Theory Book (Spencerian Penmanship)
Spencerian Penmanship (Theory Book plus five copybooks)
Spencerian Penmanship (Theory Book)
Cursive Handwriting Workbook: Funny Cursive Writing with Funny Illustrations (80 Pages)
Would you like to download some free printable cursive practice sets?
Click HERE to download some CursiveLogic freebies!
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Sandra says
I’ve been looking into the cursive logic program. I am interested in attempting cursive with my five year old twin boys. I haven’t given them any instruction in print or cursive. Did you teach your son to print before going to cursive? If so, do you think the print step was useful before trying cursive?
Tabitha @ Life, Learning, Homeschool says
This looks great! I picked up Abeka for cursive at a book sale. It’s how I learned. My son BEGGED for months to start learning cursive. It was all I could do to hold him off until we started second grade a few weeks ago. He’s doing well with Abeka. But this program looks awesome!
Erin @ Nourishing My Scholar says
Oh, thanks! My son is wanting to learn cursive because he wants to sign his name like a real scientist… Maybe this is what we need to get him started! Thanks for sharing at A Little Bird Told Me linky.
Dawn says
The link for the free pages is saying “not found error”. Can you look into it for us? Thanks so much for recommending this it looks fabulous!!! Cant wait to try it out.
Irene says
Hi! I just tried to download the freebie samples, but it said, “The requested URL /natural-homeschool/ was not found on this server.”
I would love to try this!
Felicia says
I’m looking into starting my eight year old on cursive in July. I’m curious as to how you feel after two years. Is the program still worth it? Did it stick with you son? Thanks. ๐
~Lee~ says
I’m so glad I’m not the only one who still believes their is value in reading and writing in cursive!