China. Oh, how I love China! It was fun learning and studying about China for years and year, even learning Mandarin Chinese was amazing, but going to China was above and beyond amazing!
I showed my children my scrapbook with my pictures from when I went to China and they were awed, like they thought China was a place from long ago or something.
Don’t forget to visit our resources hub for music and fine arts!
It is full of wonderful hands-on ideas for you to use at home.
Art & Architecture History of Ancient China
Our lesson brought it home to them, for sure.
The free printable cards I made have pictures of the five civilizations’ unique art and architecture.
We looked at each card closely with magnifying glasses and we had a great discussion about unique features in Chinese culture.
We spoke about jade, pearls and stone carving. We also spoke about detailed painted buildings in bright colors.
We also looked at designs in Chinese clothing (silk making from caterpillars), the Great Walls magnificent looks, the designs on umbrellas and shoes and even on chopsticks.
We also discussed Chinese calligraphy and how it is a form of beautiful art.
Some calligraphy has evolved and used to be carved on stone, aiding in the beautiful look of many temples and buildings found all over China.
We used some Chinese calligraphy stamps, too.
We used the mini replicas of famous monuments, including one Buddha statue, which is huge and golden and simply striking in real life.
Our Little Passports World Edition monthly package on China helped a lot.
We studied thoroughly about China when my son first got this package, but now that our focus was on art and architecture, we saw things that we hadn’t noticed before.
We recapped what we had learned about China with Little Passports a few months ago. It was fantastic!
Reading list:
4.Ming’s Adventure with Confucius in Qufu: A Story in English and Chinese
5. Not for Parents China: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know
Did you enjoy this post? Don’t forget to get your FREE PRINTABLE cards in our 5 Ancient Civilizations post!
Thank you for visiting our Art & Architecture History of Ancient China post!
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