Take a look that this comprehensive list of simple machines books, lessons, activities, models and more!
Kids will love learning about simple machines and even creating their own examples of simple machines!
And don’t forget we have printables, too! Remember to see our book list hub!
It is full of lists of books on all kinds of topics on all subjects! You will love it and find it very helpful!
Books on Simple Machines Facts & Examples
In this list of books, you will find a list of simple machines and how they work.
You will be able to find great simple machines pulley images and other simple machine examples as well as hands-on experiments.
Simple Machines : The Way They Work – Physics BooksSimple Machines (Starting with Science)
The Kids’ Book of Simple Machines: Cool Projects & Activities
The LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Idea Book: 181 Simple Machines and
Simple Machines
Simple Machines: Make Work Easier
How Machines Work: The Interactive Guide to Simple Machines and
Science Experiments With Simple Machines
Build Your Own Chain Reaction Machines: How to Make Crazy
Simple Machines and Forces: Activity Pack with Projects on Simple
Simple Machine Games & Hands-on Activities
Let’s go beyond just reading about simple machines examples. Let’s make a simple machine like a pulley!
Do your kids know all of the 6 simple machines like a screw, lever and a ramp? Make them all!
K’NEX Education – Intro to Simple Machines: Levers and PulleysLearning Resources Stem Simple Machines Activity Set, 19 Pieces
Learning Resources Simple Machines, Set of 5
K’NEX Education – Intro to Simple Machines: Wheels, Axles, &
Ignition Series Physics Simple Machines
K’NEX Education – Intro to Simple Machines: Gears Set –
Learning Resources Simple Machines Activity Cards Set
K’NEX Education – Simple and Compound Machines Set – 352
Simple Machine Printables & Lessons
Also, you will find lessons to print pulley pictures, simple machines like screw experiments and other fun hands-on activities.
Simple Machines – Pulley Pictures and Information Cards
Simple Machine Science Projects: Pulleys
More Simple Machine Science Projects: Screws {Printable 3-Part Cards}

Notebooking Pages
Build A Winch Simple Machine Activity for Kids STEM
Simple Machines Science Lesson: Lift Water with An Archimedes Screw
Simple Machines Activities for Kids
Homemade Outdoor Pulley Kids Simple Machines
Simple Machine Lever Science: Launching Ping Pong Balls with a Lever
Great Simple Machine Projects: Gear Play for Kids
Simple Machines Homeschool Lesson Plan: Grades 3-5
Thank you for checking out our Comprehensive List of Simple Machines Books, Lessons, Activities, Models & more post!
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1 A 30-minute video (or phone) call via Zoom for a 100% personalized “in-person” coaching
It will be recorded and the link will be sent via email within 24 hours for further review.
Once you purchase the coaching session HERE, I will contact you to set up a time that works for both of us.
2 An email prior to coaching call detailing what questions, concerns, issues need to be addressed.
This helps with maximizing face-to-face time for actual practical implementation tips.
3 Any prior recommendations from my online shop (ebooks, etc,) are included
4 A follow-up email within 24 hours of the video call, detailing what was discussed, steps to take, any additional recommendations from my online shop (again, also included in the package).
5 A second follow-up email/contact 1-2 weeks after the video coaching call to see how client is progressing and to see if another video call needs to be scheduled
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