My favorite thing about being pregnant was feeling my babies move, kick, dance or wiggle (or whatever it is that they were doing in there). I felt like I was never alone and it was a very special feeling. The movements reminded me to eat right and to stay fit because I wanted my little to get the right nutrition and be healthy. I also loved reading all about fetal development week by week. Here, I will tell you why and how I made this new experience of carrying a baby inside of me less scary and overwhelming.

Pregnancy Questions and Beyond
The first time a girl gets pregnant and gets over the initial shock/excitement of it, it can become quite an overwhelming thing. Questions just flood our minds. Am I eating right? Is it enough? How much weight am I supposed to gain per week? What does my baby look like now? How big is the embryo this week? What kind of birth do I want to have? What about exercise? Will I go to a midwife or OBGYN? And the list goes on and on. As the weeks go by, the more questions we have and we try our best to find the answers by asking others and by doing research.
Fetal Development Week by Week
From the beginning of my first pregnancy, a really good friend of mine recommended to me the book What to Expect When You’re Expecting, so I headed to our local bookstore and found it. I sat there, fascinated by each page and by how much content there was. I knew I wanted to buy it, but I just couldn’t wait the 10-minute drive to get home and read it there. Every time a new month in my pregnancy began, I would voraciously read the chapter and I would read it again every week in that month. I was learning so much!
Staying Fit During Pregnancy
This was definitely my number one goal, aside from the baby being healthy, of course. I wanted to exercise, but I wanted to learn how to do the right kinds of exercises during pregnancy. In What to Expect When You’re Expecting, there are lists with images of Pregnancy exercises you can do anywhere, anytime (including at your desk) (p. 231). I also liked the variety of options when choosing the right workout for two (from barre to Pilates, Crossfit to Spinning) (pp. 235–238). It is important for us (moms) to be fit in order for there to be optimal fetal development week by week.
Maternity Fashion
Yes, mommas, looking great during pregnancy is important, too! It will lift our spirits and will motivate us to stay fit, in spite of morning sickness or a baby sitting on our bladders. But what is right and what is safe to wear during pregnancy? What to Expect When You’re Expecting talks about Maternity fashion (pp. 224–226), makeup (p. 152), spa treatments (pp. 149–155), and skin care (pp. 151–153) that is appropriate and safe for both momma and baby. I really enjoyed this chapter.
In short, What to Expect When You’re Expecting is so much more than just a book. It is a great companion and an awesome educational resource to make new and seasoned parents more knowledgeable, more confident and to stay abreast of the latest news and developments in the topic of maternity. I highly recommend it.
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
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larissa says
Thanks for sharing this! I think it is so important to be aware of the changes your body will go through just as much as ways to remain happy, fit, and comfortable with the pregnancy. Great post!