Learning the letters of the alphabet is one of the first things we teach our little ones.
We sing the A-B-C song and we point at letters as we see them when we are out and about.
Needless to say, the alphabet is important because it is the base of reading.
In this post, we make the alphabet fun and artistic.
You can see what we read and you can get this beautiful printable alphabet activity coloring pages that go perfectly well in a booklet.
Your children will enjoy practicing their letters as they create beautiful art.
Reading Alphabet Books
We love reading A-B-C books, but our focus was on this amazingly beautiful book called A B See. Look at the cover below.
Isn’t it beautiful?
My children said, “Wow! Let’s read this!” when they saw this cover. I was curious about it, too, and we had a wonderful time looking at the pages.
We also read our favorite: Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.
The best part is that we have a Tag pen and the Tag version of the book, so we got to listen to it being read to us with the best background music and an amazing rhyming narrator.
And we read: Eating the Alphabet and Alphabet.
A B SeeAlphablock
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom (Board Book)
Eating the Alphabet
Kids’ Alphabet Activity Coloring Pages
Take a look at the alphabet book I made and printed for my kids. It is the perfect size for small hands to color and to go through to read the ABCs over and over.
I surprised my daughter with a copy of this alphabet coloring book and she was beyond excited about it. She is my little artist, so this is right up her alley.
She had a wonderful time coloring different letters in different color schemes. I joined her and colored a few pages with her using colored pencils.
She told me which colors to use. In some pages, she colored the entire letter the same color, but some parts were darker and other details were lighter.
In others, she wanted to use cool colors and in other pages, she picked warm colors.
The entire activity became a fantastic one-on-one time, filled with ABC-singing, discussion about the color wheel and warm and cool colors, matching letters to the Chicka Chicka Boom Boom letters and even to recite the alphabet over and over in a few languages, using the alphabet sheet that is included.
My original plan was for her to color a couple of letters per day and we would discuss the letter, talk about words that begin with that letter and so on, but she loved this book so much that she wanted to color the whole thing in one sitting!
She was having a wonderful time and we had a condensed, 2-hour long lesson about the alphabet.
Dr. Seuss’s ABC: An Amazing Alphabet Book!The Construction Alphabet Book
Animal Alphabet: Slide and Seek the ABCs
I Spy Letters
LMNO Peas (The Peas Series)
Homeschool Printable Alphabet Coloring Pages
It is now your turn to get this beautiful set of coloring pages with letter of the alphabet. Print them in any size you want.
I printed our with 4 per page to make a coloring book by stapling the pages together, but if these are printed on cardstock, they can be used as flashcards.
More Alphabet books and resources:
Alphabet Book of Whimsical Animals
Twenty-six Princesses: An Alphabet Story
Kids’ Alphabet Coloring Pages {Printable} | The Natural Homeschool
Alphabet City Scavenger Hunt: Hands-on Literacy Activity | School Time Snippets
Printable Activity Inspired by Pinkalicious ABC: An Alphabet Book | Artsy Momma
Anne says
I am signed up for your e-mails, and wanted to make the following comment:
I am now 63 & have had 8 children of my own 3 with Dyslexia, 2 with Aspergers, 1 with ADHD & 1 with Epilepsy. For 14 years I educated some of my children at home & here in England you have to have an Education Officer who comes to check your children’s work & make sure the parent/parents are not nutty, are actually educating as they say they are, are not abusing their children & can provide a whole years Curriculum in advance as well as evidence of the past 12 months.
So it isn’t made easy for us to educate at home & the stress levels can be extremely high. I pass on information to everyone I know when I find a good site like yours.
What I am doing now is in its infancy, but I am supporting parents who have had any Autistic Spectrum Diagnosis for their child, by holding a bi-weekly club. I give support, discuss education, especially pre-school. I know from my own experiences that it is vital to teach as much of the social communication skills as possible, prior to the age of 5.
I pass on web addresses & useful links & in all honesty 9 out of 10 of the sites I have found have been in the USA. You are so much freer with your information, you are most definitely generous with your freebies. Some of which I have used & can only bless you for them.
A lot of the parents I am involved with are like I had to be, doing this on a shoestring. It is really hard during this unsure economic time to find the money that is needed to Home-Educate.
This is why freebies, free resources, printables and any information that can be gained online is so precious.
I wish I had had all these things available to me when I was doing home education. I did not even have a computer or internet access at the time & every piece of worksheets that I produced had to be by hand & duplicated three times for the three older children I was teaching at the time. I then had to work on separate sheets for the youngest.
It involved me in reading a copious amount of books to get the information in the first place & I usually took 2/3 weeks holiday during the summer to research & produce my year of curriculum ideas to cover all subject.
I am I suppose lucky that I had the type of brain that worked like a tree, I would get one idea in one subject & somehow managed to link those ideas, like tree branches across the whole curriculum.
Now my energy levels are a lot lower & although I do not wish to give up, I have to say I am very reliant on the support that I get from sites like yours in the USA. I have recently been diagnosed with a small brain tumour, that gives me many headaches, but all the time I can mask the pain I will continue.
I guess I wanted basically to say, how precious your site is to my mums & how much we thank you with all our hearts for the resources & freebies. A generation of children with problems will grow up the better for sites like yours…..God Bless You. Anne