Oh my goodness! This was such an amazing multi-level lesson that we couldn’t wait to share with you! In this post, you will see lots and lots (and lots) of flowers, learn about them and will be able to grab a couple of awesome printable sets!
Flowers! We love flowers in our home, especially natural flowers. One of my daughter’s favorite activities is flower arranging. She likes to do it every week, at least once. She has been doing this since she was able to (around 9 months of age). Here is a blog post with a how-to, if you think your little one would be interested in doing it.
For my oldest, I got this awesome set of wildflower printable note booking sheets where he learned all about wildflowers. These sheets come in a set of 21 pages (some sheets at the end don’t have a specific flower, so you can customize your research according to local wildflowers or wildflowers by region). You can find this set of printables HERE.
They discuss family, genus, species, color, height, what the leaf, flower, stem and seed look like and even what season they bloom in and where in the United States these flowers are found. It is the most complete set I have found. The pictures of the flowers are so classy and in black and white for two reasons: you save money on color ink and you can have your child color the flowers as part of the research.
To gather information on the wildflowers, we used the Wildflower Fandex, the internet and books like “A Guide to Wildflowers,” “Field Guide to Wildflowers” and “Wildflowers, Blooms & Blossoms.” We also used some of the mini flower replicas in our Flower Mini Replicas.
My oldest had fun with this lesson because it was engaging, he felt like he had control over the activity and many resources in which to do his research. The Wildflower Fandex was the best when it came to information. Each card comes with several pictures and information on the front and back of each card.
For my preschooler, we had a different set of activities, but they all connected to the lesson and she learned about flowers, just like her brother, just in a different way and to a different degree (she is younger). We used a flower puzzle and the Flower Mini Replicas. We put the puzzle together first and then she put it together on her own.
Then, she found matching flowers with her mini flower replicas. We were saying the flower names as we were learning about them. Her favorite ones are always the purple ones, no matter what kind. That is because her favorite color is purple. Aren’t girls so funny that way?
This was my preschooler’s favorite activity. I made these flower printables for her (and my lovely readers!). They can be made into 3-part cards if you print out 2 sets of each in color. I made a card to match each flower from the Flower Mini Replicas. I also made a card to match the flowers, but several flowers in the picture.
In this set we have: orchid, orchids, tulip, tulips, sunflower, sunflowers, rose, roses, bird of paradise, birds of paradise, daffodil, daffodils, hibiscus, hibiscuses, lotus and lotuses. With this set, my girl not only learned about the flowers, their colors, what they look like, but she also learned singular and plural, in both pictures and nomenclature.
Step 1: Align the Flower Mini Replicas vertically.
Step 2: Match the single flower cards next to each flower replica.
Step 3: Match the single flower nomenclature cards to the single flower pictures.
Step 4: Match the plural flower cards.
Step 5: Match the plural flower nomenclature cards.
Don’t you just love these studies? We have more printable sets! Click on the images above for the bundle set and the images below to find these awesome items!
We have done the Trees Set and we have awesome free printables there, too.
We have also done a lesson on Sea Life and now the awesome Wildflowers Set.
Aren’t these printables awesome?! Well, it’s time for your free flower printable cards here!
Take a look at some awesome resources!
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Meeghan says
Awww, I love this. I think I need this lesson -I don’t know the names of many flowers!
Sabrina says
This looks like a great activity! I’ll be using it on my older kids as well but will tweak it for them a little ;).
Thank you!
Erika Robinson says
Can you tell me what the puzzle is called or where I can find it?