If you have curious and adventurous (and even sneaky) toddlers or young kids, then chances are, you have had, at one point or another, struggled to get crayon off walls.
Yes, kids like to try new things. They don’t know that the beautiful clean walls are not blank canvases, begging to be decorated! In this post, I will share with you the two awesome essential oils that I have used to remove crayon from walls.
Yes! I was successful, so I am sharing the tip with you.
Help Me Remove Crayon from Walls!
The Best Essential Oils to Remove Crayon from Walls
I have fallen prey to this antic from my kids several times, so I have had time to troubleshoot and attempt different solutions. Most, didn’t do well. Just read my above-mentioned fiascos. Our poor walls! But you know what? I found a solution! Yes! Finally! After trying it on a small spot on the wall, I was surprised that this worked so well! Actually, I found two essential oils that work well.
Thieves and lemon essential oils are the best ones that I have tried that work perfectly to remove crayon off the wall. The way I did it was to use a glass spray bottle. I filled it up with water and added 3 drops of Thieves and 3 drops of lemon essential oils by Young Living.
Try it! I think you will find it helpful. Or keep this in mind, in case you ever have to use this! 🙂 Share this tip with your friends!
Learn more about lavender essential oil here:
Helpful Books on Essential Oils
Essential Oils Pocket Reference 7th Edition – Full Color EditionThe Portable Essential Oils: A Pocket Reference of Everyday Remedies
Coil Bound ‘Quick Reference Guide for Using Essential Oils’ (2018
Quick Reference Guide for Using Essential Oils, 2016 Edition
Oil Diffusers for Essential Oils
Essential Oil Accessories
There are way for you to make your own custom blends and mixes of essential oils to meet your needs. You can find many great recipes in the reference books above. Here are some great products to use. Make your own cleaners, relaxing mix, energizing mix and more!
Glass Spray Bottle, KAMOTA Amber Glass Spray Bottles Set RefillableGlass Roller Bottles, 24 Pack 10 ml Cobalt Blue Essential
1oz Glass Bottles with Glass Eye Dropper Dispenser for Essential
6, Cobalt Blue, 10 ml Glass Roll-on Bottles with Stainless
Where to Buy Essential Oils
Click on the image below to buy essential oils and other wonderful products that are natural and healthy for you and your family! Keep scrolling below to see more blog posts on aromatherapy and essential oils as well as therapeutic essential oils for different needs and to support different systems in our bodies.
Young Living Essential Oils
Thank you for reading our post: The Best Essential Oils to Remove Crayon from Walls! There are many brands of essential oils, but we love Young Living! They are the very best essential oils in quality and in variety. I have been using them for about a decade, after trying many other kids, and have never looked back. I really hope that you can give them a try.
Are you new to essential oils? Do you want to know what are essential oils or how to use them? Come and take a look at some great tips on how to use them here!
Theresa says
What size spray bottle for crayon removal?