If you have been wanting to learn more about essential oils and their uses, like essential oils to sleep or to stay awake (lol), then you are in the right place!
We love using essential oils by Young Living and have been for many, many years.
I highly recommend them.
In this post, I will share the best essential oils and natural products for an active lifestyle.
You will find out just how many options you have to reach your goals to health, energy, motivation and weight management!
Let’s begin!
Visit our wonderful hub, which is full of ideas on how to use your essential oils for kids and your entire family!
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The Best Essential Oils for an Active Lifestyle
There are many essential oil uses, but today, we are focusing on the one that are so great to use when you live an active lifestyle.
Energy & Motivation Helpers
These are some of my favorite essential oils!
Not only do they help me stay focused and motivated when I do my workouts, but they actually are a great pick-me-up in the afternoon (right around 2pm) to make it through the rest of the afternoon and evening without needing a nap.
I simply put some MCT oil or almond oil in a roll-on bottle and some of these oils.
I keep one in my gym bag to put on around my neck on my way to the gym and I also keep one in my desk drawer.
I put some on my temples around 2pm when I am done homeschooling and I sit at the computer to do some blogging.
Add a couple of drops of lemon, grapefruit, orange, peppermint or Citrus Fresh essential oils into your water for a wonderful and refreshing taste.
I like to add a couple of drops of the Slique blend because I am watching my weight and I feel it helps me curb my appetite.
Smell Aids
As you know, when you are exercising or moving vigorously, chances are that you will sweat.
And sweat isn’t very nice-smelling (most of the time). Here are some essential oils that smell really good and that you can put in a spray bottle and spray on your armpits, on your skin or even on your clothes that will help with smell.
One thing that I like to do and that is very helpful is to have a spray bottle with only water and Purification to spray the inside of my tennis shows after every workout.
It really helps curb the smell until the next time I throw them in the wash.
The Best Natural Products for an Active Lifestyle
There are many essential oil benefits, so Young Living has added them to their products.
I personally love Ningxia Red Nitro before a workout!
But take a look at some more wonderful essential oil infused products.
We have also made a wonderful discovery!
You can now get amazing SETS and KITS!
They are perfect gifts to give yourself or friends and family.
The Active & Fit Kit includes:
- Nylon carrying case with seven interior mesh pockets, an exterior pocket, and a carabiner for easy attachment to any gym bag
- Cool Azul™ Sports Gel, 3.4 oz.
- Deep Relief™ essential oil blend, 5 ml
- R.C.™ essential oil blend, 5 ml
- Thieves® essential oil blend, 5 ml
- Copaiba essential oil, 5 ml
- Peppermint Vitality™ essential oil, 5 ml
- 3 AromaGlide® roller fitments
- Product information card
Helpful Books on Essential Oils
Essential Oils Pocket Reference 7th Edition – Full Color EditionThe Portable Essential Oils: A Pocket Reference of Everyday Remedies
Coil Bound ‘Quick Reference Guide for Using Essential Oils’ (2018
Quick Reference Guide for Using Essential Oils, 2016 Edition
Oil Diffusers for Essential Oils
Essential Oil Accessories
There are way for you to make your own custom blends and mixes of essential oils to meet your needs.
You can find many great recipes in the reference books above.
Here are some great products to use.
Make your own cleaners, relaxing mix, energizing mix and more!
Glass Spray Bottle, KAMOTA Amber Glass Spray Bottles Set RefillableGlass Roller Bottles, 24 Pack 10 ml Cobalt Blue Essential
1oz Glass Bottles with Glass Eye Dropper Dispenser for Essential
6, Cobalt Blue, 10 ml Glass Roll-on Bottles with Stainless
Where to Buy Essential Oils
Click on the image below to buy essential oils and other wonderful products that are natural and healthy for you and your family!
Keep scrolling below to see more blog posts on aromatherapy and essential oils as well as therapeutic essential oils for different needs and to support different systems in our bodies.
Young Living Essential Oils
Thank you for reading our post: Best Essential Oils and natural products for an active lifestyle post!
There are many brands of essential oils, but we love Young Living!
They are the very best essential oils in quality and in variety.
I have been using them for about a decade, after trying many other kids, and have never looked back. I really hope that you can give them a try.
Are you new to essential oils?
Do you want to know what are essential oils or how to use them?
Come and take a look at some great tips on how to use them here!
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