Come and take a look at our long list of essential oil posts!
If you need help with finding essential oils for an ingrown toenail or for a kid not feeling well, it is all here! Look at our essential oils tips and tricks!
We obviously want to live in a natural home and a more natural lifestyle.
But to be honest, if we don’t use a pure essential oil brand, our effort will be for naught.
This is why, after much research, we have decided to choose Young Living is the company for us.
We love their quality. We can tell! And they have truly helped us in our efforts to step away from medication and use our natural remedies instead.
Not only will we discuss Young Living essential oils for kids, but also for the entire family!
There are so many uses for them, not just for physical health. We use them for emotional health, cleaners, toiletries and more!
I think you will find them interesting and very helpful!
Visit our wonderful hub, which is full of ideas on how to use your essential oils for kids and your entire family!
Shop Young Living HERE!
Essential Oils Tips and Tricks
I love essential oils. We have been using them for many, many years.
I cannot imagine life without them! But I am not one to get the cheapest ones, just so I can afford more. No! Never!
Please read our post: Why Young Living Essential Oils? to find out why we have chosen them and why they are so special to us.
I need to be honest with myself. I know that to live the most natural life possible, I have to get the very best essential oils for the price AND the quality!
We must never settle for second best.
Read here to see How to Get a Discount on Young Living Essential Oils and also read Top 10 Essential Oils under $20!
Also, when using a good company, you need to know that they need to have a good customer service to help with questions and help in any way.
Young Living is the company to use!
They have many perks to get free product! How to Become a Young Living Essential Oils Wholesale Member
Here are our “Start Here” essential oil posts. We explain many important things like why choosing Young Living and more.
You really should start with this list.
And come back often because we add more every few weeks.
How do I use Essential Oils for my Health?
Suporting Healthy Living
There is a list of wonderful essential oils for immunity Young Living!
Find out here: Young Living Essential Oils for Immune Support {for Kids}
Young Living is the only essential oil company that I truly trust to use with my kids.
6 Calming Child-Safe Essential Oils and their Uses
Let me share with you 3 Ways to Use Essential Oils to Relax.
Trust me, they have helped me so much as a homeschooling mom!
During the Winter season, you will appreciate reading more about the Top Rated Essential Oils to Prevent Sniffles.
It will help your entire family!
I had an ingrown toenail a few years ago, so I tried out essential oils to solve the painful issue.
These are The Best Essential Oils for an Ingrown Toenail: 3 Easy Steps.
Essential Oils & their Uses
If you have done any kind of research about essential oils, then you will know that it’s a fact that there are more essential oil brands than we’d like.
There are many that range from extremely low to ridiculously high price.
Here are the post about some essential oils and how you can use them, especially if you get the Starter Kit.
Here are the 3 most popular essential oils. So I have made a list of the uses for them.
This post on Purification will be very helpful! Purification Essential Oil: Ingredients, Uses & Ideas (Free Printable)
24 Uses for Thieves Essential Oil Blend will be more than helpful to you.
You will absolutely love this essential oil blend!
Lavender is the best! Here is a great post! Lavender Essential Oil (Single): Information, Uses and Ideas
Natural Toiletries
Young Living are high quality essential oils. We have loved using them over the years.
I have used the essential oils in my creams, lotions and more. like when we made our own soap here: Essential Oils and Homemade Body Wash and Hand Soap.
But I am also loving Young Living’s beauty lines! They are wonderful!
Like our post on The Best Essential Oils Skin Care for Face and Neck.
And if you want more energy and to eep you active, then this post will be helpful: The Best Essential Oils and Natural Products for an Active Lifestyle.
Natural Cleaners
To make good quality cleaners, then you can use Young Living cleaning products or use the essential oils to make your own!
I have one post on it right now, but I have plans to add more soon!
10 Great Essential Oils to Clean the Bathroom

Seasonal Natural Remedies
Every season has its own batch of bugs and yuckier that can hit our families.
I like to keep these specific oils for seasonal purposes.
They are not only to make seasons more special.
For example Cinnamon during Fall (Top Rated Essential Oils to Celebrate Fall) and Christmas Spirit for the holidays season (Top Rated Essential Oils to Celebrate the Holidays).
I use an essential oil carrier oil only when using topically, but water only when using a diffuser.
6 Top Essential Oils to Support the Respiratory System
September is here! Young Living Essential Oils Promotion
Educational Lessons
Montessori Sensorial: Smell Bottles (with essential oils)
Here are the visuals for the posts, in case you prefer to see what they are about!